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Stu's 90x45x45 Seiryu Range

Stu Worrall

7 Sep 2008
Flintshire, North Wales
This is my most recent scape. Previous one here - Stu's 90x45x45cm Tropica Tank | UK Aquatic Plant Society

Hardscape: Seiryu Stone
Co2: Pressurised via diffuser into UP atomiser
Lighting: ADA Solar 1 - 150w NA Green
Filtration: Eheim 2078 Cal Aqua Inlet, ADA P2 Lily
Heating: Hydor 300W External heater
Substrate: ADA Amazonia, Tropica Plant Substrate, Carbon and polystyrene so the stone doesnt break the tank!
Ferts: Tropica Plant growth Premium and Normal
Critters: Red Cherry Shrimp, TBC

Note, the plants and ferts in here have been kindly sponsored by Tropica so big thanks to them for this and supporting our hobby and UKAPS. This also means there are a few test plants in there.


Rotala sp. ''green'' – 033A - x10
ranunculus inundatus - 022C POT x 5
Riccardia Chamedryfolio 003D POR - x3
Ammania sp Bonsai – 1-2 grow 033 - x 3
Marsilea crenata as 1-2-Grow, - x5 (Cracking new foreground plant!)
Staurogyne repens - 049G POT - x5
Bacopa monnieri 'Compact' – x10
eleocharis sp. mini 1-2 grow- 132B - x 7
Hemianthus callitrichoides ''Cuba'' – 048B – x 5
Vesicularia ferriei 'Weeping'

I was also going to put a line of Ludwigia arcuata stems in but I think they were out of stock
Test plants
Tonina sp- Stem-plant with small, triangular, pointed leaves sitting tight on the stem. Bright green. Makes a star-like effect in newest Growth. Needs trimming and replant of cuttings to stay good looking.Grows medium/slow.
Rotala mini butterfly- Tall and slender, very dark and rich red colour. Leaves very small, 2-3 mm. wide and 1 cm. long. Can be trimmed into dense, ´bushy´appearance.
Rotala mexicana sp. ´Goias´: Stem-plant, grows overhanging/creeping. Resembles a creeping Rotala rotundifolia,
Crypt – Costata “Brown” – This looks really cool, a bit like tennelus but slims at the bottom and is really brown. Ive put this at the fonrt right under the stones.

Penthorum Sedoides

Also some Bucephalandra dotted around in there from my previous tank.

so it begins ...

not entirely sure the pic will show for everyone as its from facebook


will update when ive got more 🙂
cheers Gary. very early days and working on it now. I had planned to start doing two scapes a year in this tank but failed due to being too busy with other work so this may well end up in IAPLC. Ive done a lot of studying on mountain scapes and as Ive come from a Bonsai background into this I just love them!
looks as strong as ever stu, thats some big old lumps of rock there... same ones from the last scape or have you been splashing out at TGM?

do like it when people post just the hardscape... gets my brain working on what it will look like planted. Can see this in a few different forms... all of which look superb of course 😛
Cheers both 🙂

Its the same lumps out of the last scape Iain. just in a slightly different plane. Im just working out the planted parts and the sand path through some stone.

Excuse the instagram pics. Proper camera is stuck on the tripod 🙂

From this pic I might name this scape "jabba the hutt"!

Cheers all 🙂

Amazing, looks so natural.
Have you been out on the welsh mountains snapping pictures.

Yup, all the time mr wood 🙂

Heres a quicky Instagram via FB.

Plant list?? 😀

Also I've not followed one of your journals before, would you mind giving the full setup a run through?

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Thanks again all. Im hoping it will blossom 🙂 No filled shots yet as I filled it last night and its a bit cloudy at the mo due to some floaters and none of that white stuff in the filter.

Plant list?? 😀

Also I've not followed one of your journals before, would you mind giving the full setup a run through?

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Just updated the first post with a full list of plants and tech 🙂

Im hoping to upgrade to some LED's this year and retire the solar 1 as its great for everything with its point light and shimmer but doesnt help that much with video. Loving the Futuras that are being tested by George at the moment but lots of dollar!