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  • dgb7.jpg
    3.8 KB · Views: 116
I think maybe I could do it, read an interesting article by tom barr on crystal reds and false information, im going to give them a try 75 percent ro 25 tap water, minimum ferts, low co2 20 percent water change weekly and see how I will get on
Did you do the large daily water changes for the first week followed by large weekly water changes?
you can simply take out the algae that´s growing on the glass with a sponch, that´s fine because that way your shimps could only eat the one on the plants.

I see that your plants aren't growing like crazy but they are growing.. patience, patience, in a few months you'll have a paradise !
I hope so, im doing 2 25 percent water changes a week 80 percent ro/di 20 percent tap, im gonna get a tunze co2 diffusor cause it has a pump with it so it will spread the co2 then I can really ramp it up !