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Water Meter

17 Mar 2012
I’m wondering if this might be handy for monitoring my canister filter flow? I’m using 16/22 hose though so it may restrict the flow. It has four modes, one of which is litres per minute.

I would have thought that a bucket and a stop-watch would be a tad more reliable, but I think it would be a good investment if you wanted to measure the volumes of water changes, possibly to calculate nutrient dosage accordingly. One place where I would use it would be in bulk water mixing - say if I was mixing a dissolved calcium-rich source of water with a softer water source. Also rather useful to measure rainwater harvesting I would have thought.
It will work for a while with dirty tank water, before gumming up, despite being on the filtered water side. Look how the spray bars & piping accumulate detritus despite being "filtered water".