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Search results for query: cryptocoryne

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  1. Anfield1forever

    Colour added to the cryptocoryne garden.

    Cryptocoryne wendtii brown. Purchased them as green wendtii brown and cut 90% of the green leaves off and they have compacted growth. Biggest leaves are about two inch long. Thank you for the nice comment 😁
  2. dw1305

    Optimising algae growth

    Hi all, That is certainly plausible. I'm guessing that is the real difference, the only rooted plants I have tend to be Cryptocoryne spp. which are "perennials". If I had stems, that I continually trimmed and uprooted, there would be much more in the way of detached roots etc,. It would be...
  3. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Hey @Sarpijk. Think the most rare i have are the c. Veinghera and the c. Spiralis caudigera. Glad you are enoying the journal :thumbup:
  4. Walt1908

    Invert stocking 180l tank

    If i had your tanksize ill do 1 or 3 cryptocoryne usteriana and some c. Spiralis 'tiger' for 100% :cool:
  5. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Rearanging some crypts result: Hole in a cryptocoryne nevelli leaf... Nothing big, but something to keep an eye on. This is the second most isolated crypt to the most right in the tank. Its surrounded by multiple balansae doing just fine. 15cm to the left from the nevelli: To the right a...
  6. I

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    ...interaction with the micros. Keep in mind also that my plants are all slow growers like anubias, Java fern, bolbitis, echinodorus and cryptocoryne. The only high demand plant I have are the floaters. Also as mitigation I have 8 bags of Amazonia 2 which the echinodorus and cryptocoryne are...
  7. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    ...doing fine and also the spiralus 'tiger' is still poppin' out new red leaves with a solid pattern. The green leaves there are from a cryptocoryne 'balansae' and 'caudigera' for the contrast. Regarding the small tuffs of bba and the small amounts of gsa and gda i had 2 months ago since the...
  8. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Just noticed the first emersed leaf of my new cryptocoryne wendtii 'tropica' and i like it a lot! Dark green/grey/blueish leaf with a nice red midrib and nice ruffed up edges. Can't wait to see more of these :cool:
  9. J

    Journal on my new 200L low tech with Under Gravel Filter

    ...they were before the crash. But they will be fine I think I planted them in the left front corner to add a layer of interest before the Cryptocoryne that was identified in this forum as Cryptocoryne balansae, I have found the receipt when I bought it and it was labelled as Cryptocoryne...
  10. Courtneybst


    ...make the school up to 12 or so. The plants are filling in nicely. My plan to keep everything 'epiphytic', even rooted plants like cryptocoryne, seems to be working well. I've been adding more and more leaf litter and now red root floaters and the fish seem really at ease. Also have some...
  11. Walt1908

    Delicate sound of Cryptocorynes

    ...i can imagine the size of the leaves. It's indeed a smaller version of the 'tiger' you created :cool: Few days ago i planted a few cryptocoryne costata in my own tank and they still have their green emerged leaves. I can't wait to see their first new underwater leaves. I am hoping for at...
  12. Anfield1forever

    Colour added to the cryptocoryne garden.

    Rotala rotundifolia cuttings from a high tech aquarium added for some colour. Hopefully they will grow in and brighten up my aquarium. Let me know as all recommendations appreciated.
  13. S

    Big Plant Small Tank.

    ...and two Clinthon Snails to keep things going! Anyway today i wanted to remind myself not to be precious about the tank i purchased a Cryptocoryne Spiralis Red to put in the corner. If it likes the environment and does well, maybe i will use the tank for Anubius as i am sure a lot of the...
  14. hypnogogia

    A fairly shrimple nano

    What’s the Buce attached to? 👍
  15. Aqua360

    A fairly shrimple nano

    ...things, my attempts at aquascaping have quickly given way to removing hardscape to make way for more biomass 😂 Not quite sure what this tank wants to be, but it's nice and healthy looking I think. The bare patch in the middle is just waiting for some cryptocoryne flamingo, due to arrive...
  16. L

    Little 20l AIO

    Update on the Cryptocoryne Lutea Hobbit. The one on the front right one had a growth spurt. It was given its own space, is right in the flow (and co2) and has the brightest spot in the tank: Really love the colour of this plant. However, size wise…. I think it’s reverted to its standard form…...
  17. I

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    ...foreground is quite hidden at the moment but for reference it's about 8 bags of aquasoil and filled to the brim with Echinodorus and Cryptocoryne. I hired someone to scape the tank (I described my desired design to him and he climbed into the tank to make it happen) and I'm still trying to...
  18. I

    Tropica Premium, Masterline Golden or APT Zero?

    I recently set up my 7 x 3 x 4 ft tank as a planted tank with mostly simple plants like echinodorus, cryptocoryne, anubias, bolbitis and Java ferns. Lighting over the tank is 3x Chihiros Vivid 2 (10th Anniversary Edition) at about 70% power raised 6 inches over the water line currently at 6...
  19. Scaperinc

    Superfish 50 high tech

    Cryptocoryne Beckettii Petchi i think
  20. Walt1908

    Delicate sound of Cryptocorynes

    Close up cryptocoryne spiralis 'tiger'
  21. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    How cool is it when you can id a 'new' species in your own tank. 3 Years ago i ordered a pot of Cryptocoryne Spiralis 'caudigera' at Aquasabi in Germany. It came a litlle bit bashed by transport and it didnt make it in middle of the tank. Since a month or 2 i noticed new leaves and i thought...
  22. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Today i added a small field of cryptocoryne albida 'brown'. Had this species earlier in the past but never worked out right. SInce everything is growing very well i thought i give it another shot ...
  23. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Cryptocoryne Veingera taking good care off ;)
  24. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    ...beautifull. Think ill cut off one or 2 old green leaves one of these days. To the left of the tank i replaced the juncus repens with my cryptocoryne undulata red. The juncus was getting to big and for some reason it didnt fit there lolz. The undulata was stashed away i the back for some...
  25. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Cryptocoryne x willisii is taking off. Submerged leaves are soooo cool in my tank. Narrow and pointy and reddish brown. I like it a lot. Did a massive clean up and rearranged a few plants. The willisii is doing so good i already had some runners that i replanted.
  26. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Cryptocoryne flamingo. Bought 3 months ago invitro and its going very nice. Green leaves are from the invitro. The pink ones in the centre are new.
  27. dw1305

    High tech with low maintenance- looking for inspiration

    Hi all, <"Aroids like"> Cryptocoryne spp., Schismatoglottis, Bucephalandra & Anubias barteri and mosses & ferns, Bolbitis spp. You should be able to reduce nutrients, <"light intensity"> & CO2 level (down to 15 ppm?) cheers Darrel
  28. C

    Newbie with a new project.

    I noticed that you have corys in your tank. Won't they ruin the carpeting plants when they dig about the substrate?
  29. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    3 Weeks ago i planted a small field of 3 Cryptocorynes x Willisii and in these pictures you can see the new leaves changing from green and 'lumpy' to brown reddish and thinner and 'pointy'. I love these types of changes especially i hoped the leaves would change to be more thinner . The colour...
  30. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Aquarium plant collection: Cryptocoryne Albida 'brown' Cryptocoryne Amicorum Cryptocoryne Beckettii Cryptocoryne Becketii Petchii Cryptocoryne Costata Cryptocoryne Crispatula var. Balansae Cryptocoryne Leroi Cryptocoryne Lucens Cryptocoryne Lutea 'hobbit' Cryptocoryne Nevilii Cryptocoryne Nurii...
  31. Walt1908

    Journal The Green Dream _ My Cryptocoryne infested riparium

    Hey guys, welcome to the journal of my self build riparium! After many many years of lurking on this awesome forum finally my own tankthread here :) Just for all you to know i'm dutch so english is not my main language. So it can be a little bit 'challenging' for me and you from time to time...
  32. M

    My Aquarium Journey - Sharing Experiences and Seeking Advice

    ...3 ppm K 13 ppm Mg 1.75 I have a light on for 7 hours with 15 15-minute ramps at the beginning and end of the day. Power at 70%. Still, cryptocoryne doesn't grow well it has some yellow and brown on the bottom leaves. I have some green dust algae on the rock, glass and wood. Some green spot...
  33. J

    Help identifying this Cryptocoryne

    Yeah it is really hard to tell. The edges were more smooth, then I started dosing potassium, because (you can see by the pictures) I was having a deficiency in this one. Then it became a little crooked and some leaves melted. In addition I removed a lot of it's cover, it was in a shaded area...
  34. Tim Harrison

    Help identifying this Cryptocoryne

    ...then I grew it low-energy without CO2, and like @ElleDee mentions above, crypts have a great deal of phenotypic plasticity when it comes to leaf morphology, responding to different environmental conditions. So I could be wrong. It does look more like C. balansae though. Cryptocoryne...
  35. J

    Help identifying this Cryptocoryne

    Well, I read through all other Cryptocoryne that where described in the book and this one was the closest one with long leaves. I know that this book is quite old, 20+years. And I don't have yet another way to find out, this is why I'm asking for help, because the book can be outdated about this...
  36. J

    Help identifying this Cryptocoryne

    Hey guys, I was reading a book about aquarium plants, and I find a plant identified as Cryptocoryne retrospiralis. I have one in my tank that matches the description and the photo in the book, but since it is said to be rare, and as I read here in the forum it is also quite unusual. I would love...
  37. Walt1908

    Greetings from Rotterdam!

    ...heads up regarding the tool. Atm i am trying to polishing up my Greek for the next holiday so cough you guys have to deal with it 😁 I am going to try to make my tankthread this weekend. So for now you guys have to do it with a sneakpeak of one of my baby invitro Cryptocoryne 'flamingo' guards 😄
  38. ElleDee

    Biding Time (22 gal, no CO2)

    ...pink in low energy conditions!) and it's tough. I highly recommend it for non-injected tanks. I'm also very pleased with the color of Cryptocoryne affinis 'Red' and my Bacopa caroliniana now has a solid orange tinge that I wasn't expecting. I finally have Ludwigia 'Super Red' growing well and...
  39. Anfield1forever

    Newbie with a new project.

    Update! Cryptocoryne flamingo added last week and new pink under water leaves just started to grow. Needed some colour apart from green and brown. Blyxa japonica is going crazy. Runners shooting out everywhere. Thicker leaves than what I'm used to seeing though. Natans Minima on top growing...
  40. Von Bronze

    Planting the Dead Zone

    ...flame>phoenix>coral. I culled a small countries worth of snails. On planting. I took the advice of DW1305 and Halo2something. Added Cryptocoryne x willisii under the wood, and my local store also had Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis so picked some up to try. However after planting I felt the...
  41. dw1305

    Trim these no or let them go for a bit

    ..."yes leave them". Personally I would let them grow for a lot longer before I pruned them*. There are some mosses, but plants like Cryptocoryne & Bucephalandra spp. are exclusively from the Old World. Echinodorus (and the plants split from it) are all New World. A lot of floating plants are...
  42. dw1305

    Potting soil substrate

    ...a <"varied microbial flora">, but only a limited amount of nutrients. I believe that leaf mold is the <"growing medium of choice"> for Cryptocoryne growers <"Oak leaf mould">. Tom Barr (@plantbrain) wrote some posts on his experiments with sediment, in a thread <"Soil substrate, nutrient...
  43. ElleDee

    Biding Time (22 gal, no CO2)

    ...that has grown out from tissue culture as well as some new stuff. The pressure is on to get my big tank going - I put Echinodorus ‘Fancy Twist’ and Cryptocoryne balansae in here, so it’s only a matter of time before they get way too big. The clock is ticking now, but I’ve got a plan, I swear.
  44. Dan Earl A

    15 Litre Low Tech

    ...sand Planting Bucephalandra sp. Needle Leaf Anubias Barteri 'mini coin' Marsilea Minuta Micranthemum Tweediei Hydrocotyle Tripartita Cryptocoryne Crispatula Rotala Rotundiflora H'ra I'm on day 2, and intending to do daily water changes (a third of the volume) for the first week or so...
  45. 7

    New setup - substrate additives

    ...Seachem Matrix and Seachem Purigen ; Plants - Anubias barteri nana Petite, Staurogyne repens, Hygrophila pinnatifida, Ludwigia repens Rubin, Ludwigia palustris Super red, Bucephalandra Kedagang, Cryptocoryne undulatus Broad Leaf, Rotala rotundifolia Thank you in advance for your time and...
  46. 7

    320l planted tank

    ...barteri nana Petite Staurogyne repens Hygrophila pinnatifida Ludwigia repens Rubin Ludwigia palustris Super red Bucephalandra Kedagang Cryptocoryne undulatus Broad Leaf Rotala rotundifolia Fertilizers APT3 Complete plant fertilizer Seachem Flourish Advance Maybe I will include some Carbon...
  47. Walt1908

    Plant Pictures!

    Cryptocoryne Wendtti 'Green Gecko'
  48. Ben Cox

    Finally got the plants in.

    ...are about 25 tetras and about 8 harlequin rasboras in there now. Although they seem to hide a lot ☹️ Anubias bonzai Bacopa crenata Bucephalandra sintang Cryptocoryne wendtii - Brown Eloecharis acicularis Hygrophila difformis "Wisteria" Ludwigia sp. "Mini Super Red" Microsorium pteropus...
  49. F

    Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green Help

    I have 3 Crypto. Wendtii Green that have been in my 29 gallon tank for 2-1/2 months. Some leaves are green, most have a brownish color. My fertilizer regimen seems good ; Nitrogen-10pm, Phos.-1ppm, Potassium-10 ml./week, Iron 8 ml./week, plus dosing micros. 50% water change/week. Lighting...
  50. A

    Ash attempts an Iwagumi

    ...a mix of; Hemianthus callitrichoides (HC) 'Cuba Marsilea hirsuta Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini' Too add a little detail around the rocks Cryptocoryne albida Brown Cryptocoryne Lutea "Hobbit" Riccardia chamedryfolia Background Eleocharis acicularis (centre) Hemianthus micranthemoides Rotala...
  51. Samuel.brown

    Nymphoides and Cryptocoryne are melting, but epiphytes thriving. Whats going on?

    Hello all, Thank you for letting me join UKAPS! I set up a 112L planted tank back in December and planted a load of Cryptocoryne and Nymphoides, and lots of anubias, microsorum, bucephalandra. All the epiphytes are doing well, but the plants in the substrate haven't thrived and some are now...
  52. AlStu

    first house plant

    The plants in @hydrophyte‘s post are gorgeous - definitely much more knowledgeable than me! I mentioned as I’ve had aroids struggle to root in aquaria in the past - but that may have been a me problem -and variegated plants often struggle more (and would be a shame to lose!) Also - does anyone...
  53. dw1305

    first house plant

    Hi all, Nice. I'd guess it will be all right. I assume because the water is oxygenated and moving a lot of plants seem to root much more readily in the fish tank than they would in a glass of water etc. All add in @hydrophyte, he is an <"emersed aroid man"> an should be able to offer a more...
  54. Fluxtor

    My first scape

    ...are: 4 x CPD's 7 x True Bloodfin Tetras 2 x GBRs 4 x Amano 1 Zebra Nerite Plants Include: Hygrophila Rosae Australis Ludwigia Palustris Mini Super Red Anubias Nana Mini Anubias Nana Bonzai Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green Cryptocoryne Petchii And I think .. Echinodorus Amazonicus Ludwigia Repens
  55. AlStu

    Low tech dirted Dennerle 30l cube

    ...plant to cost ratio when they arrived, but this is nothing if not an expensive hobby…). (Plants in a bucket: Hygrophilia pinnatifida, Cryptocoryne nevelli, Vallisneria spiralis ’leopard’, Hygrophila corymbosa, Nymphea Red Tiger Lotus, red root floater and dwarf water lettuce) Soil just...
  56. dw1305

    Stu's 60L QubiQ Low Tech Desktop Cube

    Hi all, That is always my starting point, it just makes life a lot less stressful. Have a look at <"Cryptocoryne Parva Carpet"> <"I do">, but @MichaelJ is right, I'm really a <"rainwater user">. I have the advantage that our tap water is <"very similar in parameters at all times">. Cheers Darrel
  57. J

    A Tale of Two Roma's

    ...of the larger echinodorus leaves should hopefully allow a bit more light to penetrate to the lower levels of the tank, here we have a cryptocoryne nurii rosen maiden that's been overshadowed and devoid of light, not in the best of health, but like Victor Frankenstein proclaimed "it's alive"...
  58. K

    Fertiliser question

    ...fertiliser but I don't know if I should be buying a fertiliser with phosphorus and nitrogen or not. Most of my plants are Crypts, my Cryptocoryne Balansae is exploding with growth but my Willisii and Lutea don't seem to be growing. I was going to buy Tropica Specialised nutrition but I don't...
  59. dw1305

    High phosphate

    ...sewage treatment and agriculture. That may make a difference, what really makes a difference is a high plant mass. So basically a lot more plants than you have (below). I'm a floating plant obsessive, but they really make a difference. Have a look <"Cryptocoryne Parva Carpet">. cheers...
  60. J

    Your my last hope people!

    ...Either focus on getting the CO2 stable from lights on to lights off, or stop injecting it. Try and pick plants that are less demanding, cryptocoryne, echinodorus etc. Fertilizer wise adding a complete one won't do any harm. I just kind of feel you could chuck ei levels of ferts in this...
  61. dw1305

    Small background plants for nano tank?

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS. <"Cryptocoryne x willisii">? I really like <"Bolbitis heudelotii">, it will get big eventually, but only really slowly. Over time I've got rid of all my stem plants, and I just use a floating plant <"What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?"> as my "stem" for...
  62. akwarium

    The stone in the river

    Hello all, The tank is doing ok, most plants are growing despite the fact the tank is unheated. The cryptocoryne nurii is growing really slow, the eleocharis acicularis is hardly growing at all. I did not expect that.. any thoughts on making it grow better? The moss I want to replace by a...
  63. dw1305

    Few questions about DYI CO2 with yeast

    ...<"Updating an old aquarium, Juwel Rekord 72, and other ramblings">. You don't need CO2, a lot of people don't use it. Have a look at <"Cryptocoryne Parva Carpet"> & <"What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?">, it talks about the "aerial advantage" that floating (or emergent) plants have...
  64. S

    The Swamp

    ...(delusional me, "I think it might be" [rip Stuart 'The Brand' Baggs]). I'm not a big fish, I'm not even a fish 🐟 * I ordered a Cryptocoryne affinis 'red' off of Ebay and it looks healthy but does not appear to have any roots. I hope it makes it Plants (so far) All Cryptocorynes: C...
  65. Von Bronze

    Planting the Dead Zone

    Thanks Darrel, There are bright spots and shade in there so that's a good idea, that could work well under the wood.
  66. dw1305

    Planting the Dead Zone

    Hi all, I might try something that is tolerant of lower light. It isn't exactly a carpeting plant, but <"Cryptocoryne x willisii"> is fairly small and <"shade tolerant">. cheers Darrel
  67. dw1305

    Crypt identification please

    Hi all, The same as the others really, I guess it is either <"Cryptocoryne parva"> or <"C. x willisii">. The <"deep green colour"> probably makes the latter more likely. Have a look at <"Cryptocoryne Parva Carpet">. This is Cryptocoryne parva, from that thread and I think it is always "leaf...
  68. Conort2

    Crypt identification please

    That would’ve been my guess too.
  69. S

    Recently setup dirted tank...looking for thoughts/guidance on approach

    ...Planting list is (mostly from K2 Aqua on Ebay): Anubias Nana Anubias Barteri Microsorum Trident Bacopa Caroliniana Piptospatha Ridleyi Cryptocoryne Wendtii green gecko Ludwigia Glandulosa Cryptocoryne Petchii Bucephelandra Sintang (and a couple of other small varieties) Hydrocotyle...
  70. J

    Crypt identification please

    Random guess cryptocoryne willisii. Educated guess it needs more Nitrogen.
  71. N

    Started as High Tech - Transitioning to Low Tech

    It looks nice, but those crypts in middle, they will not get very high, they are not background plants.
  72. MaterialCrab

    Started as High Tech - Transitioning to Low Tech

    ...SP HRA Hygrophila Polysperma Ludwigia Super Red (Purchased more after melt) Hygrophila Polysperma Sunset Middle - Left to Right. Cryptocoryne Wendtii Cryptocoryne X Willisii Front - Left to Right. Alternanthera Reineckii Mini Staurogyne Repens Pogostemon Helferi Cryptocoryne X Willisii...
  73. M

    My Aquarium Journey - Sharing Experiences and Seeking Advice

    ...Christmas moss, Riccardia chamedryfolia, Eleocharis sp. Mini, Staurogyne repens, Hemianthus callitrichoides, Microsorum trident, Cryptocoryne lucens, Cyperus helferi, Eriocaulon cinereum, Salvinia Auriculata, Phyllanthus Fluitans, Cryptocoryne Spiralis Red, Echinodorus Tenellus Parvulus...
  74. S

    It's nice to see you all, to see you all nice.

    ...and just keep the bottom of the pots in an inch or two of water and grow them emerged. I think I'm going to specialise entirely on Cryptocorynes. My first one arrived today from "ProShrimp". Cryptocoryne becketti "Petchii". I blew way too much money on a plastic, "Creature of the Black...
  75. PlantMan216

    Need some help with RO water info

    ...okay from what I've read so far). Plants: HC Cuba, Anubias, Buce, Flame & Riccardia moss, Hydrocotyle Verticillata, Marsilea Hirsuta, Cryptocoryne Parva, Pogo Helferi, Alternanthera Variegatus, Mini Bolbitis, Rotala Indica Green, Alternanthera Bettzickiana, Repens The scape does have ADA...
  76. PlantMan216

    What are good "jungle" stem plants?

    ...center rock scape with some wood. I plan to make a nice HC cuba carpet in the front with Hydrocotyle verticillata, Marsilea hirsuta, and cryptocoryne parva bunches in around the edge of the carpet by the rocks and wood for detail. Along with that ill be adding riccardia and flame moss for...
  77. S

    Plants not looking good

    ...all the leaves off from emersed grown plants and let the plant focus its energy into producing submerged leaves. This is popular with Cryptocoryne species. All that said, I have just been removing any melted leaves on my tank and letting it grow new leaves as it establishes. My tank is high...
  78. G H Nelson

    Adding purchased plants into a New Set-up aquarium!

    ...the surface for a few weeks, this will help with the adaption process and will increase in size and length. Potted rosette plants like Cryptocoryne and Echinodorus can be planted into the substrate, but be prepared to remove any melting/dying leaves. In Vitro/Tissue Culture cups/pots can be...
  79. N

    Cryptocoryne Usteriana

    What is biocorbonate? Sorry for stupid question:D
  80. Andy Pierce

    Cryptocoryne Usteriana

    Great list! Crispatula tried and then died for me in hard alkaline water. I had high hopes for it as Cryptocoryne crispatula is on the list of plants which can (allegedly) metabolise bicarbonate as a carbon source, but no joy.
  81. Wookii

    Cryptocoryne Usteriana

    ...and larger in soft water Crispatula - currently growing well in soft water, but took 4 months to start, haven't tried in hard water Cryptocoryne usteriana - ain't growing for me in soft water so far - though significant lack of light could also be the cause (never tried in hard water)...
  82. L

    "Lowish Mediumish tech" Aquarium? Oase Highline 400

    ...X-Ray Tetra 9x Bentosi WhiteFin 6x Thorichthys Maculipinnis 3. The plants: Anubias - Microssorum Pteropus - Bucephalandra - Cryptocoryne Usteriana - Lagandra Meeboldii Red - Helanthium Tenellum Green 4. Water Parameters: PH: 7 Kh: 4-5 Gh: 6-7 NO3: 0 PO4: above 2mg/l - I...
  83. L

    Little 20l AIO

    Cryptocoryne Lutea Hobbit came into stock at Aquarium Gardens and was just delivered. Planting it was a pain as it uprooted the Pava. Turns out that planting too close together between rocks and glass in aqua soil is very tricky. Much root is exposed but the soil was getting stirred up quite...
  84. S

    Carpet plants are turning yellow in new tank.

    ...are transitioning from emersed growth to submerged. I’ve been reading a bit about this recently and is quite common, particularly on cryptocoryne but can also happen to other species. Wait until someone else comes along to either confirm or call me an idiot, but I think the method is to cut...
  85. ElleDee

    Tissue cultured plants.

    Yes, TC plants can be quite confused, and to me that's a quality issue. Finding the proper combination of plant growth regulators (plant hormones and their synthetic versions) that results in the most normal growth is a bit of an art. Sometimes even different clones of the same species benefit...
  86. Andy Pierce

    Tissue cultured plants.

    I had good success with Crypt nurii from tissue culture, but it took about 5 weeks for the plants to start to really get going with emersed-form leaves. In the general case my strong preference is for emersed rockwool pots instead of in vitro tissue culture cups. My impression is the TC plants...
  87. anewbie

    Plant Pictures!

    Cryptocoryne Pontederiifolia Red Lips grown emersed.
  88. F

    New tank after 5month wait

    4 months from filling with water Not much of a picture, but progress is being made, tank filling out, I have left a space for a cryptocoryne flamingo (I have been unsuccessful with them in the past). Adding 0.4ppm mg (magnesium sulphate) definitely helped Next week I will switch to Chempak...
  89. Onoma1

    Slightly cloudy at 120

    ...Dwarf water lily (five years an not one blasted flower). Advice, comments, and amused comments welcome. A smorgasbord of crypts: Cryptocoryne Rubella Cryptocoryne Costata Cryptocoryne green gecko Cryptocoryne bullosa Cryptocoryne becketti Cryptocoryne petchii And others. Possibly...
  90. Aleron

    Stream Biotope

    ...plants". There are many aquatic and marsh plants that prefer low pH and low nutrient water rich in tannins (Echinodorus, Bucephalandra, Cryptocoryne, Aponogeton etc.). In my blackwater biotope I successfully grow Pachira, Phalaenopsis, some aquatic plants and Amazonian sword plant (added...
  91. Bradders

    Help with plants - Starting Afresh + Tidying Up.

    Cryptocoryne Balansae and Vallisneria spiralis were ordered, and they are in! Great delivery from Horizon Aquatics, and plants turned up looking very healthy! Regarding easy/low maintenance (no CO2) front of aquarium plants, which are happy in gravel, would you have any recommendations there...
  92. Tankless


    This week I removed the rocks on the left hand side to create more planted space. I planted emerald Cryptocoryne Flamingo in this position. I also added hygrophilia araguaia to be used as an epiphyte. I trimmed the moss and the carpeting plants on the right hand side. I will add in a fresh...
  93. W

    Lighting upgrade

    ...on. The unit is filtered with Oasebiomaster and has Co2 in line diffusion. Using tropica nutrition. I'm looking to continue with mainly cryptocoryne, moss, buce and anubias species, but now including Eleocharis montevidensis and lotus plants as features, then hygrophila pinatifida growing...
  94. MikeLowndes

    Low tech stem plant recommendations pleae

    Yes I let the vallis grow as freely as possible then cut back hard. It’s also pushed out runners and started new plants. Thanks for the suggestion. Hi Darryl thanks a lot for this. I have quite a few crypt in the tank already and ideally need a fast growing stem plant in this position but...
  95. dw1305

    Low tech stem plant recommendations pleae

    Hi all, A medium sized Cryptocoryne sp.? They would need a <"lot less maintenance">. Possibly <"Ideas for stems">? I like <"Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia">, it is very low maintenance. You are more than welcome to some of mine, once the weather warms up a bit. cheers Darrel
  96. L

    Little 20l AIO

    ...arrived. Thanks to Horizon Aquatics and Sid Scapes. Also added a light to the left side, thanks to Riverwood Aquatics. I’m aware the Cryptocoryne Nuri will melt so am ready to handle that. I also did not order enough needle leaf. I will get more when the other items are in stock (Hobbit...
  97. N

    Cryptocoryne Usteriana

    Hi all! I need a help with crypt usteriana. It does not grow in my aquarium, I have hard water, CO2, EI dosing. Photopheriod for 8 hours. I read somewhere that it need some perido for establishing, have planted it around 6 weeks ago, but still stays in the same size and some leaves are melted...
  98. Bradders

    Help with plants - Starting Afresh + Tidying Up.

    Thank you! My first 'mail order' plants are arriving in the next few days (Cryptocoryne Balansae and Vallisneria spiralis), so I will be planting them soon to get some more coverage at the back, as suggested by this thread.
  99. dw1305

    Diatoms, green dust algae and melt...

    Hi all, Sorry to hear that. We think that Aroids (Bucephalandra, Cryptocoryne, Anubias, Schismatoglottis spp.) are prone to melting new set ups partially because of their <"inability to survive high ammonia levels">. cheers Darrel
  100. Tankless


    ...now but it did not impact any of my other fish. The DG was swapped for 5 Amano shrimp and 1 Apistogramma Borelli. I trimmed back the Cryptocoryne Tiger Spiralis and the red lotus (can’t remember the name). I’ve started new growth for the Minuta which is good. I assume the Cyperus Helferi I...