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  • Most of the remaining team are off on holiday meaning the forum does not have sufficient cover. As such the site will be placed in maintenance mode where it can be viewed but no posts/threads can be made and will remain this way until August 11th, apologies for the inconvience.


  1. WaterCulture

    17L Dutch Style Nano Aquascape

    Hi everyone. id like to direct you towards our YouTube channel where we do 12 week long series (The current one is the step by step of a dutch style nano aquarium) we also upload regular shorts on the various fish and plants that we keep, We also have a poll on the channel for ideas for the...
  2. U

    Who are your favourite youtubers?

    Hi I thought I would share these as they entertain me a lot! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7MCFUG5oKKsfVDl7gT7BRA Catch Em All Fishing https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiHKpi0fbgYIZ18hHg9hSWg Predatory Fins - amazing! He is running some fish sanctuary and has very large fish like red...
  3. Kalum

    Favourite YouTube Aquascaping Channels

    I've watched most of the videos from my favourite 'go to' channels to learn or get inspiration from so looking for any others with good content These are top of my list, what is everyone else watching? Green Aqua - https://www.youtube.com/user/viktorlantos George Farmer -...
  4. Michael Thomas

    Hello from the North!

    I'm going to assume based on the members map I'm not the only person from the North East, anyway I've always used UKAPS for things like finding reviews and information but finally decided to join and hopefully learn and share my own wisdom. I've been plantkeeping for around a year, and I'm...
  5. Paul Ballantine


    Good Morning All Hope everyone is well. Been keeping fish for a long time and this is my first step into the world of plant keeping or aquascaping. I've been inspired by watching George Farmer on YouTube and looking forward to the journey ahead. Regards Paul
  6. G

    George's new vlog series on YouTube

    Hi all, This is my first ever vlog! I hope you like it. It's a different style to my usual videos. The production level is lower (recorded on iPad with minimal editing) but it's a more relaxed style and insight into my life as an aquascaper. Please give me ideas for future vlogs and I'll...
  7. Jink82

    Best aquascape videos on the net

    Hi, I personally love the aquascape video's on Youtube. I love the one's from the Green Machine and from Tropica. But what is you're personal favorite? I think my opinion about what I like about an aquascape shifted a little bit, but I still like this one very much: .
  8. Bartash

    2000 Subscribers!

    i have made it to the 2000 subscriber mark on YouTube :) Thank you to everyone who has subscribed or taken the time to watch one of my videos. I have a massive passion for this hobby and I love making videos on YouTube and when I reach certain personal targets it encourages me to make more...
  9. LondonDragon

    Suggestion Video suggestions for Media Library

    Hello everyone, This topic is for members to suggest Youtube videos to be placed in the Media Library. When submitting a link please state if the video was created by yourself and if it is of your own tank, also place a link to a journal if one exists so that it can be added to the comments...