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A Little Slice Of Nature

I have ludwigia palustrus in there is there much a difference mate ? Does it normally do ok in lower flow areas ? The rotala has never really taken off in that area.

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unsure tbh, never tried palustrus but repens is easy so should do ok.
Only way to know for sure is to give it a try. May have a few stems I could give you next time i trim however you may be better getting a pot or two instead for filling out the space.
unsure tbh, never tried palustrus but repens is easy so should do ok.
Only way to know for sure is to give it a try. May have a few stems I could give you next time i trim however you may be better getting a pot or two instead for filling out the space.
Yeah may give it a try mate, i am wanting some more bucephlandra for around the rocks and i will eventually get to that dead spot but things are taking off well now so glad about that , as i say bit of staghorn now and bit of melting etc at rear of the stems but gues this is normal.

I am wanting to extend the limnophila hippuridoides along the rear eventually as such a good looking plant and now starting to colour up nicely.

20 bloody marys coming tomorrow from horizon at a great price coulnt get there in person so getting posted. Hopefully with only 20 they still breed can get more eventually if seen to little amount.

Would you advise acclimatiseing them very very slowly i usually hang the bag on the aquarium and add small amounts or water bit by bit over a hour or 2 then net them and add to tank.


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Would you advise acclimatiseing them very very slowly i usually hang the bag on the aquarium and add small amounts or water bit by bit over a hour or 2 then net them and add to tank.
Personally I drip acclimate them with airline and a gang valve for control over a couple of hours.
Little and often if your doing it in the tank.
Thanks mate i did over a 3 or 4 hour period and shrimp look great just hope stay away from the inlet, i am sure one is pregnant (hope so)

Suffering from staghorn algae so dod water change today i cleaned filter and added some seachem matrix i had as wanted to add it anyway and removed a large blue sponge. Also tdied getting all the leaves from under the 53b that were dead etc

Spot dosing with excell aswel, the worst hit is the buce that us under the light and end of the java fern any other recommendations?a7b2ff223b3d287e0c3975a514f6e03d.jpgb3439d93ad3801ac1902205bb0156812.jpg

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Update time, did large maintenance session yesterday cutting some stems and replanting etc also moved a few plants.

How do you keep pinitifida low as dont want growing very long leaves and high ?

Also suffering from a huge amount of snails on the glass and getting a yellow film any recomendations?

Lastly i dont know what happened but unfortunately i seem to have did something to cause a few of the fish to die 3 were floating not long after water change not sure if temp was a few degrees higher or what and if this would effect them bit seem to be missing 5 of the rummy nose tetras that have been fine previously.


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Looking good Dean, the right corner is looking great with all the stems and colours.
I'd manually remove the snails as much as poss, and if you remove as much as poss then try baiting them, remove one everytime you see one and they'll start dwindling.
My pinnatifida I'm constantly breaking bits off of it, but like you I get big leaves, keeping it low is as simple as stopping it growing upwards but as for the leaves I've got no idea, maybe light intensity.
As for the fish the temp doesn't usually effect mine, I always lower my temps when refilling, I'm not sure 1 or 2 degrees higher would've made any difference to the fish.
You could add one assassin snail, they will reduce the amount of snails quite fast. Once you are down to a level you are comfortable with you could remove it again, or just leave it till all snails are gone. Very nice tank! 🙂
I think i read somewhere if you just keep nipping the tips out and the bigger leaves of you can almost train it to grow smaller
No idea what killed all the fish and foind a cherry dead, i did move some plants unless a ammonoa bloom or something, hopefully rest are ok.did karge water change after.

As for snails do assassin snails not lay eggs or breed as dont want overrun with them.

And i need to find out how to stunt the pinitifida and make leaves small what do you mean by nip them ?

Also getting some bba on anubias at minute not sure wether to lower the light intensity but want the nice reds


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Moving plants around could well have caused a spike and killed the fish and shrimp
Nip the tops out of the pinta by that I mean take the very top off the crown the smallest bit right at the top then it will grow out and become more bushy then just keep taking the bigger leaves from lower down the or along the stem
Hi all,
cause a few of the fish to die 3 were floating not long after water change
Sorry to hear that, my guess is that it was something in the water. If it was tap water, possibly emergency chloramine dosing. if it was warmer it would hold less dissolved gases (but that would be the same for both oxygen and CO2).

cheers Darrel
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Hi all,

Sorry to hear that, my guess is that it was something in the water. If it was tap water, possibly emergency chloramine dosing. if it was warmer it would hold less dissolved gases (but that would be the same fro both oxygen and CO2).

cheers Darrel
Thanks Darrel yeah i lost 4 fish with that water change and some shrimp very strange indeed never had that issue before and hopefully not again. Did large water change today and got right into the bottom of the plants to get as much ditritus up as possible and all fish seem fine today sl wonder if it was a emergency chemical added to water.

Thanks for the info mate

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Hi everyone hope you are all well, fish seem to be fine and i think @dw1305 was correct and maybe some diet due to emergency chlorine dosing or somthing similar in the water but settled now.

Cut back the pinitifida today and moss for first time.also cut some bucephlandra for first time literally cut the top and stuck to some rock so hopefully grows ok.also took months but can just see a crypt growing at bottom of the ludwigia palustris(lobe the off cuts with green and red in the leaves)

Seem to be struggling with some bba on the anubias currently any idea what is best course of action ? I will attatch some pictures,also seems to be some sort of deficiency as getting holes in one of my bucephlandra (only one of them for some reason) and a few of the leaves have a red patches on ?

What you think of the scale so far everyone ? I must say i really enjoy the few hours maintenance on my forst day off as i do 4 days on 4 days off so do maintenance forst morning off and last mornong off a quicker water change.

Thanks dean80141f91f5756afb35570abe38356c23.jpgceffa7d860d00b397a8a2402c3335938.jpgd1ee9422af4189a78c5322f98b5ab1fe.jpgaaf57cd2f30848a27aadc3b012b236fd.jpg1a04d399c49f5b0cc6d2e051381f9a9c.jpgb499f4ec55077ea7013684ae368e3d44.jpg

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Looking very nice! If BBA is limited like that, just remove some leaves and spot dose with easycarbo or something like that. I'm currently doing the same in my tank, spot dosing wherever I suspect BBA is rearing its ugly head. I had some black dots on my wood like you have, and I just dosed them to be sure they dont turn into bba. They vanished now, a few days later, so I think I might have been correct. I've spotted one buce leaf with a bit darker edge that I'm now keeping my eye on. Going to dose that too soon, just to be sure. Mosses dont like being dosed though, at least my fissidens hated it, its still struggling to recover after 3 weeks, so maybe cut it out if it shows up in there.
Looking good Dean, I've been spot dosing my anubias and a few buce with glut every other day and it seems to be working, I upped my water changes and try to do 2 in the week. I've recently attached some airline tubing to my turkey baster and use that to remove crap as I blast the plants (seen that on a video somewhere, not sure where now). I do 2 80% water changes on the bounce whenever I trim or mess about with the plants or substrate.

Maintenance is just a pleasure with these tanks.
Thanks guys i spot dosed today with seachem liquid carbon but it's on a lot of the anubias so will keep spot dosing but going through the bottle quickly.

And yeah maintenance luckily i am enjoying and i do one water change on first day off then another 3 days later then none for 4 days then start again, just how the shifts work, 4 on 4 off.


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Hi Dean
Tanks looking lovely with nice colours, am i right in thinking your making up a all in one fert mix. What is your ingredients for the all in one please.