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Amano Shrimp Breeding Second Attempt


31 May 2012
Amano Shrimp Breeding Second Attempt

Anybody who didn’t view my last attempt, it’s here....

Breeding Amano / Yamato shrimp | UK Aquatic Plant Society

This is my new setup:

All my Amano zoe’s parents are home bred from my first attempt, linked above

I have larger breeding tank where the Amano are now releasing the zoe’s, (this tank was my old growing tank from last attempt)

Today, things are starting to come together and I now have thousands of zoe’s, as shown in my video.


I have just moved them accross to my green soup mix...and I have new larger growing tank with secret recipe mix!, picture here.


Fingers crossed things go okay and I will post updates as we go along..
Superb, a great video clip too! Really fascinating Thanks for sharing 🙂
Given how much time you've put into this, hope it works out in a big way and you can make some cash out of it. Realise that you've done it out of interest more than money, but I reckon there would be shed loads of buyers on here willing to give money for some UK bred Amano's! love it when somebody goes against the grain - every bit of info about Amanos = "can't be tank bred". fair play mate.
Given how much time you've put into this, hope it works out in a big way and you can make some cash out of it. Realise that you've done it out of interest more than money, but I reckon there would be shed loads of buyers on here willing to give money for some UK bred Amano's! love it when somebody goes against the grain - every bit of info about Amanos = "can't be tank bred". fair play mate.

Hey, thanks for the support, there are no guarantees that the second time around I can reproduce results... but like you suggest... it’s got to be worth another go... I cant let curiosity get the better of me.. if you know what I mean
there are no guarantees that the second time around I can reproduce results... but like you suggest... it’s got to be worth another go... I cant let curiosity get the better of me.. if you know what I mean

this is exactly my point, nobody got nowhere without pioneers! Just think it's brilliant, suspect you had a jar full of beetles when you were a kid! if you do get to the stage where you can sell let me know!
This time around I have decided not to feed them anything extra at all... daft as it may seem... a hunch tells me to go ‘low tech’ and rely just on my green mix..... Other web advice suggests all sorts of supplements should be given... If I am wrong then so be it and will learn from my mistakes...

In the wild its just them (amano zoe's), marshes, the sea. and then fresh water again....... so why should we over feed them? Any suggestions?... anybody?
haha! Your target audience of amano shrimp breeders must be limited! could be a tough crowd. I've absolutely no experience breeding shrimp of any kind, I'm a bit of a nature geek though...

i think in the wild, even seemingly fresh / clean water is absolutely full of potential food for the larvae. I would have thought this is impossible to replicate in the confines of a glass box without adding to it. remember reading on here about adding CO2 being unnatural - response was 'its a glass box in your lounge' - class! Don't suppose you have the room or inclination to run 2 tanks side by side, feeding one and not the other?
haha! Your target audience of amano shrimp breeders must be limited! could be a tough crowd. I've absolutely no experience breeding shrimp of any kind, I'm a bit of a nature geek though...

i think in the wild, even seemingly fresh / clean water is absolutely full of potential food for the larvae. I would have thought this is impossible to replicate in the confines of a glass box without adding to it. remember reading on here about adding CO2 being unnatural - response was 'its a glass box in your lounge' - class! Don't suppose you have the room or inclination to run 2 tanks side by side, feeding one and not the other?

Yeah, I did two tanks last time... I have replicated the most successful of the two (with some tweaks) so I know I am throwing caution to the wind with one tank.... but I have other tanks including a 400lt plated and stocked 100plus fish.. so time to run two set ups is not a luxury.. let’s hope this produced results..

After all..I was told this could not be done... I just want to know how lucky I was.. or can any setup have some success... what do you think?.
luxury?! you make this sound like a hobby!

Everything thing you read about amano's suggests this can't be done, but I guess that's because they are written for the average bloke who can get cherry's breeding, or more probably from a commercial point of view. If someone's out to make cash a tank full of cherries is far more viable! I certainly can't tell you whether this will work, just hope it will!

In terms of suppliments and additional feeding, I reckon its the equivalent of multivitamins - totally pointless if you eat shed loads of fruit and veg, but for some people they are great.

To be fair you've got further than most, so reckon you are starting to get a feel for how it works, how they should look, behave etc. Really think you have got to trust your instincts, if it doesn't work it doesn't work. There are so many variables that are beyond control I think you should just keep enjoying the ride, I'll certainly be keeping an eye on it!

good luck

Wow, thats pretty impressive. I remember thinking what a waste it was when my Amanos got berried as I knew it wouldn't come to anything. Well done!
Brilliant stuff. Great to see what is possible with time and dedication. Fingers crossed all goes well.
Dear Richard could you please share your PH, GH, Kh & temperature if you have any idea in your freshwater tank in which the females were berried. I have been trying to breed amanos for the past 16 months but it seems that the female does not carry the eggs for more than 48 hrs. The eggs are just dropped as it is ie: no hatched zoes.

Thank You