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Both worlds - aquatic plants


25 Oct 2008
Budapest, Hungary
Cheers to all,

Some eye candy to share this time. One of our tanks from the showroom. Above and under water.
With 100mm macro the border between the 2 worlds nicely blended 🙂

15650383184_8b2a35f04c_b.jpgGreen Aqua Showroom by viktorlantos, on Flickr

16271986372_50184a7996_b.jpgGreen Aqua Showroom by viktorlantos, on Flickr

16086680559_17db6d9bb7_b.jpgGreen Aqua Showroom by viktorlantos, on Flickr

16086946717_086f6d1281_b.jpgGreen Aqua Showroom by viktorlantos, on Flickr

The tank in full - only 2 months old here but i link in to have an idea what happens under water 🙂

16086677309_dc5853dd5e_b.jpgGreen Aqua Showroom by viktorlantos, on Flickr
Interesting that the twinstar is running vertically, seems the design needs a tweak...

Yeah i had a problem earlier that it was almost invisible. Now this is fine and visible 🙂🙂😉

Thank you for all of your feedback. The tank was done by our lovely community. We did a re-scape event 2 months ago. So we let our community to play with our gears for 2 days 🙂

The tank specs are:

90x45x45 Opti 8mm tank
Eheim 2075 filtration
Pressurized CO2 with ADA Beetle diffuser
ATI Sunpower 4x39 Dim version / 7hrs per day
Twinstar, skimmer whatever helps 🙂
Aqua Soil Amazonia with PS as a substrate.
Red Moor with Black lava stones

Plants are:

Micranthemum Monte Carlo, Staurogyne Porto Velho, Flame Moss, Microsorum Trident, Bolbitis, Bucephalandra, Hemianthus micranthemoides, Myriophyllum tuberculatum, Hottonia Palustris, Rotala Indica, Rotala Bonsai, Anubias Petite, Riccardia, Limnophila Hippuroides, Ludwigia

I couldn't even contemplate how many hours go in to your showroom.

Yup these are not plug and play off the shelf things 🙂 So need to work with them and we could not close on weekdays if something happens..
So sometimes visitors sees in real time how we're fighting with some of the tanks 🙂
Interesting that the twinstar is running vertically, seems the design needs a tweak...

We're using this way to avoid clogging. The new diffusers catch more bubbles which stops the operation in a short time.
But using this way we almost eliminated the cleaning process. So no cleaning needed in our soft water environment. This extend the lifetime a little on the diffuser plate.
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BTW community events are fun.

Last time we let these guys in to re-scape almost all of our tanks 🙂
Will publish a video shortly about the event and how the tanks progressed in the past 2 months.

15564564518_6a293edd7d_b.jpgre-Scape team shot by viktorlantos, on Flickr
Amazing Viktor,

are you doing anything special to the emersed plants, like spraying every day etc.?
I can't see a single burned, ill leaf... this is tremendous!
It looks amazing! Is the emersed part growing on top of the wood or supported in some other way?
Amazing Viktor,

are you doing anything special to the emersed plants, like spraying every day etc.?
I can't see a single burned, ill leaf... this is tremendous!

Nope they already acclimatized to the room condition. No need extra care.
However we have around 60-80% humidity in our showroom. If we forget to empty the dehumidifier we easily open next day to 80% 🙂
So maybe this plays a little role there.
It looks amazing! Is the emersed part growing on top of the wood or supported in some other way?

The soil is very high on the back. Around 30cm or so. All plants were planted underwater and we let them grow out of the water.
High soil is kept in place with lava stones and pond textile.
For sure I would say :lurking:
Wow... Tropical rainforest during the summer heat in your show room 😱

Except that we cool down the room to 20-21 celsius 24hrs a day 🙂 The air conditioner does a great job sucking out this high humidity then.

We need to cool the room heavily to keep all tanks under 24 celsius. Including shrimp tanks too.
That's simply amazing! Could you tell me what plants are the ones that have grown on emersed? I can see Limnophila I think, some Ludwigia and Rotala? Which is which please, am hoping to get some emersed growth going in some future projects, so would really appreciate some clarification, thanks!