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Hello (North wales here)


16 May 2013

Ok so im new here i am actually a marine fish keeper, i have a nice reef setup and i am thinking of changing to a planted tank set up. I have been reading THIS and other forums exstensively, my tank is 180l and have lighting for a marine tank so ill switch out the bulbs for tropical plants its an aqua one tank so bulbs will just swap 🙂. Anyway just thought i would introduce myself and when the change happens il keep you guys posted.
Hi Reidy,
welcome to the forum.
Only salt you'll need here are fertilisers 🙂
Cheerio for now,
Hi reidy and welcome to the forum, i too am in the process of closing down a reef tank. where in North Wales are you? I lived there for getting on 30 yrs before coming back to Lancashire
Oh, forgot to say, if you need anymore inspiration living in north Wales get yourself over to Wrexham. The Green Machine is there and well worth a trip. It could just make your mind up to make the change 🙂
hey ady cheers, yeah have a been a few times to green machine i live slap in the middle of chester and wrexham so its not too far also answers kevins question lol
yeah except Chester is England, and where it's still legal to shoot a Welshman with an arrow after 12 midnight I think provided he is within the city walls :joyful:
I know Chester very well
Deeside is where I lived when I was over there Shotton first then moved to CQ. was in Dee rd then moved up near wepre in Granby Court. Moved back up to Lancs about 10yrs ago. My son is still in Granby with his mum