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IAPLC 2016


Some great works posted here. 335 for mine so not too good this year
Cheers Tim. Was hoping for a top 100 again (eventual aim is top 27) but dropped from last years 54 so gone backwards. Need to have a think about next years as unsure which way to go to improve atm
Lets not forget one judges view could be the opposite of anothers.I saw a highly ranked one with (cannot locate it)with red plants in the distance with a unusual choice of fish -red platys to which Amanos quote was he could only assume some of the judges thought the fish represented" falling leaves" against the red planting,seemed it wasnt his cup of tea but it was highly placed
Lets not forget one judges view could be the opposite of anothers.I saw a highly ranked one with (cannot locate it)with red plants in the distance with a unusual choice of fish -red platys to which Amanos quote was he could only assume some of the judges thought the fish represented" falling leaves" against the red planting,seemed it wasnt his cup of tea but it was highly placed

Interesting, also never thought of a platy as fish choice for a serious aquascape, not that i think they are ugly.. Always saw these fish more as clownish, especialy those wagtails with the light colored eyes. And since they are actualy originaly brakish water or at least hard water fish prefering a ph above nutral to feel realy happy it wouldn't be my choice for a high tech tank.

But i little searching rather quickly revealed 3 scapes ranking relatively good containing orange platy.

Entry #48: 151L Aquatic Garden: Distant Horizon 2010

Entry #292: 192L Aquatic Garden: Light Blu in forest 2012

Entry #87: 216L Aquatic Garden: Paradise green 2014
noobs reading this thread (like me) would like this info.
Like me too.. 🙂 Wonderfull podcast.. The TAU portofolio from the link in the foodnote contains a nice album of pictures.
What i found funny, picture number one dropped my jaw imediately and was pulled into it's depth and after skipping through all scapes ending up at picture 1 again it looked completely different and was a bit less impressed by it. Not that i'm judging i can't, it all baffles me to much , just saying how i percieved it and how my viewing changed after seeing 55 others.