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IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator

Hi guys, I'm using this powerful sheet (and suggesting it everywhere with the credits and the link of ukaps) for ferts and ro.

But I have a question, my tank is 110x50x60h (I leave a space of about 2.5cm) so my height is 57,5cm. Glass thickness is 10mm. Then, I have around 11cm of Tropica soil (8 - 15cm front-back), 50 litres. To the total, I have to remove the 50L of tropica soil? So 292L - 50L (of tropica soil?)
Its normal practice to just use the volume of water and just ignore any hardscape or media, we only need to be with a range so the actual level isn't that important
So, 110x50x60h, 330L, ignoring the 50L of tropica soil? I need for RO and the difference is quite big
But 50litres of aquasoil doesn't displace 50litres of water, not sure how much it does displace once all the air in the clay granules is displaced
I personally take the middle road approach where I cut in half the soil volume to be closer to the actual water volume, but as Zeus said, you can't really know for sure how much water is being displaced since aquasoil is not exactly dense like rock and all soils have a different density, size, shape etc.
Most fertilizer manufacturers will usually recommend you dose the actual raw volume of the tank though. A little more of fert will not hurt the tank, probably the opposit in fact.
This calculator is what drew me to this site. Awesome! Still a bit much to process, but we'll figure it out, one way or another!

New to the DIY ferts and my current tank is not doing very well with the Tropica Specialised I am currently using hence the reason I am looking at DIY.

I have a Jewul Rio 125L thanks with a Fluval 307 Canister.

I have downloaded the spreadsheet and updated the tap water parameters, in the tankandosing tab, how do I know what my daily dose is?
Then when populating the targets, how do I know what the targets should be?
Dose size is very tank size and frequency of dosing dependant. But the calculator does the maths for whatever dose size, tank size and frequency and regime or targets you choose. If you start going close to the solubility limits for the salts you choose the calculator gives you warnings.

I would suggest a 10ml daily dose for a AIO fert for you size tank esp if cloning the same fert you have been using.
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how do I know what my daily dose is?
To add some background to what @Zeus. said, this is entirely up to you. Could be 1ml, 10ml, 27ml, 63.5ml, 138ml. That figure is up to you to decide. What you do need to keep in mind though is that the lower the value (and the lower the dosing frequency) the more concentrated your solution will be and, from a DIY perpective it is advisable to keep the concentration of your solution in the average/lower range so you can use the solution at a faster rate. So a higher value for the daily dose is usually recommended to avoid crystalisation, possible precipitation and also perhaps mold due to the solution being used at a slow rate.

Then when populating the targets, how do I know what the targets should be?
That is something for you to chose as well but as a starter you could clone a specific commercial fertilizer so you don't have to worry about what targets to decide on.
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Then when populating the targets, how do I know what the targets should be?
What @Hanuman said,
That is something for you to chose as well but as a starter you could use to clone a specific commercial fertilizer so you don't have to worry about what targets to decide on.
Just look at all the values for the different brands in the 'Do you want to clone a fertilizer' drop down box to get an idea of the contents of these fertilizers. If you are new to this, EI Dosing mid is a good starting point or just clone your favourite commercial brand.
Have you then looked in the drop down menu title 'Which one'?
As you can see the CLONE WEEKLY TARGET VALUES has already been populated for ADA Brighty, there should be all the other commercial fertz in there too.
Have you then looked in the drop down menu title 'Which one'?
As you can see the CLONE WEEKLY TARGET VALUES has already been populated for ADA Brighty, there should be all the other commercial fertz in there too.
That's the problem, nothing shows in the drop down box, just a blank white box.
You haven't added Macro container volume and frequency and for Micro you haven't any volumes or frequency
View attachment 217119

I don't need micro as it's aio, I've done the macro frequency and container volume but still nothing in the 'which one' drop down
I have just downloaded this and when I click the drop down button below nothing shows.View attachment 217114
I am seing some very strange artefacts in your screenshot. That drop down arrow shouldn't be showing in the middle of the cell but rather at the right end of the cell.
I can also see some cells that are supposed to be hidden but are not. This ain't right.

What version of Excel and Windows/MAC are you using?
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I am seing some very strange artefacts in your screenshot. That drop down arrow shouldn't be showing in the middle of the cell but rather at the right end of the cell.
I am can also see some cells that are supposed to be hidden but are not. This ain't right.

What version of Excel and Windows/MAC are you using?
I reinstalled it and it's working ok, thanks
Hello everyone, and congratulations to @Hanuman @Zeus. @dw1305 @fablau and @X3NiTH for the absolutely phenomenal work with The IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator. You guys are amazing and deserve so much credit!

I have a 210 litre planted tank and want to start using dry salts for fertilisation and remineralisation.

Using the Fertilizer calculator and reading through various posts in the forum I've ended up buying the following dry salts:
Magnesium Sulphate [ ebay ]
Potassium Nitrogen [ ebay ]
Monopotassium phosphate [ ebay ]
Calcium Chloride [ ebay ]
Potassium Sulphate [ apcpure ]
as well as
Micro Elements (TEC Sodium Free) [ solufeed ]
Potassium Sorbate [ ebay ] and Ascorbic Acid [ ebay ].

I have populated the The IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator's core settings from my local area's water report:

And will bel using the following dosing regime:

The water in Sheffield is soft and currently adding 50g of Seachem Equilibrium to enrich it and raise the Gh. According to the Remineralisation Sheet I will be adding the following dry salts to replace Seachem Equilibrium:

I will be adding the following dry salts to create my Macro fertiliser in order to achieve EI daily:

and the following dry salts from Solufeed to create my Micro fertiliser solution:

According to the historic APFUK and the current aquaplantscare websites the main salts needed are potassium nitrate, potassium phosphate and magnesium sulphate. In order to reach 100% EI Dosing Full the IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator tells me that I need to add some extra potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) hence I decided to buy some Potassium Sulphate and Calcium Chloride. Looking at the spreadsheets on the IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator it appears that Magnesium Sulphate, Calcium Chloride and Monopotassium Phosphate are present in the TargetCalculator sheet for the macro fertiliser as well as in the ReminCalculator sheet for the remineralisation. I would greatly appreciate it if someone with chemical knowledge can have a look at these numbers and let me know if the calculations are correct so that I will not be adding anything surplus and ending up endangering my fish, shrimps and snails or overfertilizing the plants.

Many thanks!


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According to the historic APFUK and the current aquaplantscare websites the main salts needed are potassium nitrate, potassium phosphate and magnesium sulphate. In order to reach 100% EI Dosing Full the IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator tells me that I need to add some extra potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) hence I decided to buy some Potassium Sulphate and Calcium Chloride. Looking at the spreadsheets on the IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator it appears that Magnesium Sulphate, Calcium Chloride and Monopotassium Phosphate are present in the TargetCalculator sheet for the macro fertiliser as well as in the ReminCalculator sheet for the remineralisation. I would greatly appreciate it if someone with chemical knowledge can have a look at these numbers and let me know if the calculations are correct so that I will not be adding anything surplus and ending up endangering my fish, shrimps and snails or overfertilizing the plants.
1. Do you have a compelling reason to use Full EI? Unless you are ready to do regular (weekly or even bi-weekly) and heavy WCs (+80%) it might not be the best idea. Maybe go for something less extreme, unless your plant mass is so large that you really want to avoid any deficiencies. I'll be honest though, even at half of those values with a well planted tank it is plenty enough. Perhaps it might be also a good idea to provide a picture of your tank so we can better assess the needs.

2. Since you populated the Water Report in the CoreSettings, the calculators will account for those minerals in all calculations. If you look closely there is a line at the bottom of the tables that state: "Added from your WC (Water Report)". Salts dosing is offset to account for those minerals already present in the water.

3. I would strongly recommend you do not integrate your calcium and magnesium targets in your macro fertilizer. Instead target them in your remineralisation scheme. At the very least calcium shoud definatly not be part of your macros. Mg could but it's best in my experience to do the same as with Ca. Dry dose them to your tank on WC day or pre-mix them in the water you will be adding to your tank on WC day.
Hi all,
Welcome to UKAPS
and congratulations to @Hanuman @Zeus. @dw1305 @fablau and @X3NiTH for the absolutely phenomenal work with The IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator. You guys are amazing and deserve so much credit!
You really need to <"thank the others">, my contribution was distinctly limited.
I have a 210 litre planted tank and want to start using dry salts for fertilisation and remineralisation.
Are you adding CO2?
currently adding 50g of Seachem Equilibrium to enrich it and raise the Gh. According to the Remineralisation Sheet I will be adding the following dry salts to replace Seachem Equilibrium:
I have a bit of an issue with Seachem <"Seachem method of potassium dosing">. Despite what they imply, there isn't a difference between the magnesium (Mg++) you add as a fertiliser, and the magnesium you add as a remineraliser, they are both the same ion.
In order to reach 100% EI Dosing Full the IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator tells me that I need to add some extra potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) hence I decided to buy some Potassium Sulphate and Calcium Chloride.
I agree with @Hanuman, it is very unlikely that you need the full EI addition, but if you did need more potassium (K) and calcium (Ca)? They will do.
I will not be adding anything surplus and ending up endangering my fish, shrimps and snails or overfertilizing the plants.
If you aren't adding CO2? You might be interested in the <"Duckweed Index">.

cheers Darrel