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Is it too late to check if the rocks are suitable for my planted tank?


4 Jun 2021
I got these rocks from my LFS, the owners said they are safe for aquarium and growing plants etc. However I didn't manage to ask for the name of the rock. Fast forward, I soaked the rocks in hot water for a few hours, and there were obvious red/orange dust/powder thing that came off. Then I scrubbed it again and soak it in room temperature water, this time round there isn't much red powder. I then tried the vinegar test using black vinegar, but there isn't any reaction. So I assume it will be safe to use, but i was reading around if the rock is reddish, it might be high in iron, which will be bad for fish or shrimps in the future, is that right? The tank has been running for 3 days, and there isn't any red/orange dust or powder in the tank.

I am sure it is fine, I don’t think your LFS would sell you unsuitable rock. Just check your ph over the next few days, depending on the soil you have used, that will act as a buffer against high ph. Dust of rocks is common and need a really good wash as scrub, as some times excess particles can trigger an algae/bacterial bloom, but the water looks clear and the filter is doing its job. Keep up good maintenance for a new start and good luck.
I am sure it is fine, I don’t think your LFS would sell you unsuitable rock. Just check your ph over the next few days, depending on the soil you have used, that will act as a buffer against high ph. Dust of rocks is common and need a really good wash as scrub, as some times excess particles can trigger an algae/bacterial bloom, but the water looks clear and the filter is doing its job. Keep up good maintenance for a new start and good luck.
Alright got it, thanks! I'm using ocean free aqua soil.

The description states 'Aqua Gro is produced using a special formulation which assists in lowering the pH and kH in a short period of time and maintaining it.'

I hope the soil is fine.