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Initial thoughts are just wow. Amazing piece of kit that's so bright I'm still seeing stars! Running it on 30% for now till I get the tank stable again but doubt ill ever go much above 50 aside for pictures, it really is madly powerful!
The cloud function is great, running 60 clouds a day which should reduce the intensity of the overall demand from plants a little.
With lunar cycle and red bulb sunrise it means the lights are only ever fully off a couple of hours a day which was want I was after.
Visually the 4 module unit on 15% is brighter than 3 tmc's at 100%... Would love to know what the par reading are.
Colour rendition is mental, crisp and sharp with all bulbs running equal power curves. Just now starting to play with the colours. Certainly during sunrise it hits one colour that makes the plants pop like no other light I've seen.
I'll try and get some images off the dslr today and a movie of the compressed light cycle.

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for the first time in a long time the tank is pearling and fish seem happy. Even the few remaining shrimp are looking better...
Also added these in a week or so ago, lost 4 on day one to the eheim skim and 2 jumpers but now much more settled.
eye spot raspora by iainsutherland24, on Flickr
Lovely photo Iain.... I'm looking forward to seeing more of the new bit of kit 🙂
cheers gary, more on the light will follow soon.

Amazing difference. Would love a step-by-step of what he did...
me too mike!

Nice little fish mate, that futura looks frickin awesome, would scare the bejesus out of me, I could just see the bba in my tank thriving :lol: still think this has got to be my favourite scape on here at the mo.
it is fella, also a little concerned especially no there are so few amanos left. Will see what happens.

Any chance of a little video?

Glad you like the new light mate. Delayed gratification... 😉
🙂 very much so George. Cant stop playing around with the colour temp. Ive just found one temp that makes the barbs green fleckles really pop but greys the plants a little.
Have you figured out how to do a live colour change as at the moment i adjust the daycycle curves then up load.... if i just use the colour temp slider it then doesnt transfer onto the day cycle? Also does yours show the power consumption as mine doesnt??
Absolutely stunning pal. The light makes it looks so crisp and clean. Beautiful mate really worth the few zillion pennies.

How do you stop any reflection on the glass. Im seriously struggling with it and its ruining any photos I take or hd vids. Ive covered the lights with towels and allsorts
Epic mate, still looking stunning even after the issues.....back on it again now though, the futura is looking awesome!