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Plants melting , need help !!!


31 Jul 2022

I recently set up my 60p with dark start for three week and planted it, it’s been 4 weeks now. I am facing melting issues with some of my plants in the tank. Plants melted in the first week and I thought it was due to Inital ammonia from ADA Amazonia v2, plants recovered after the melt and was growing well for 2 weeks and suddenly started to melt again. I am not sure what is causing the melt.
Plants affected : s.repens , glosso, Java fern trident, Bucephalandra. All my stem plants are unaffected.
Water parameters : Ammonia - 0 , Nitrite - 0 , Nitrates - 5ppm, ph - 6.8 .
Aquarium gear : chihiros wrgb2 (intensity 55%) for 6hrs, co2 inline 2hrs before lights on and off one hr before lights off. Filter sunsun 302.
Livestock: 11 ember tetra and some Bloody Mary shrimps with few Clithon snails.

I have been trying to get my GH up using shrimp king gh kh+ might the changes in Gh cause the issue ?.


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Hi and welcome to the forum 🙂

Some melt is normally expected with a new step up as the plants change to growing underwater, although I never got any with my tanks. I think the key to success is good ' Stable ' CO2 levels for the photoperiod and not too intense light 50% max or light of long duration, 5 to 6hrs max
Yes I thought the initial melt was expected, but they are melting again after they recovered and started to grow back. That’s what is making me scratch my head. Do you think GH flactuations can cause melting in plants ?