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Not particularly stunning images, but taken yesterday at a local wetland nature reserve Cossington Meadows. Don't let anyone try to tell you plants only grow like this in our aquariums...😉


Hi all,
Not particularly stunning images, but taken yesterday at a local wetland nature reserve Cossington Meadows. Don't let anyone try to tell you plants only grow like this in our aquariums...😉
The Callitriche looks really healthy, it might be C. hamulata, but they are difficult to ID. The Hydrocotyle isn't H. vulgaris, but an invasive alien, I assume that it is <"Floating Pennywort"> (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides) from its growth habit.

Edit: I should have said it looks a cracking reserve, and something we might see more of with more joined up flood planning etc

cheers Darrel
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I think you're right on both counts Darrel. The floating penny wort is becoming a problem, choking up drainage ditches and growing along the margins of the river Soar.

I should have said it looks a cracking reserve
Yes it's not bad.

something we might see more of with more joined up flood planning etc
We can hope. Maybe the Catchment Based Approach will help.
Seasonal Santa run last Sunday, we are so lucky not to have any covid inGuernsey.


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Ha ha well, maintenance scaffolding is not allowed in town during the summer months so we get loads of it in the winter !
Marcel, there is a large bronze donkey statue in amongst that crowd as Guernsey people are affectionately known as Donkeys, so over here Santa’s sledge is traditional pulled by donkeys!

Also the steps in that picture, lead up to the market square and as a general rule only women who wish to get pregnant will walk up the middle !
I joke you not that even in this modern world folklore is still payed attention too and the majority of guernsey girls will only walk up the sides and not the centre!
Marcel, there is a large bronze donkey statue in amongst that crowd as Guernsey people are affectionately known as Donkeys,
Are you serious?.. :clap::lol: We must have some distant family ties with Guernsey!?

This is our municipal mascotte Donkey standing since 1922 in the village centre square.

