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Tom's Mini M

Re: Tom's Mini M - Filled

Cheers Ryan 🙂

1 hour 14 til lights on! (is that sad? :lol: ) It looks like it's gone a bit yellow overnight, which is probably the Aquasoil. Will do a waterchange on it tonight.

I'm thinking I might have chosen the wrong type of Crypt though. Hopefully the submersed leaves of parva are smaller and less rubbery than the emersed ones! I don't remember it being this big and chunky from before. :shifty:
Re: Tom's Mini M - Filled

Not sad at all mate, I have forwarded that comment to LondonDragon and his going to put a limit on how much you can access the site....its for your own mental health lol 😀 😀

I'm sure people can give a lot more indepth info about there tanks haha.

I think you right about that crypt you no. I read it on TGM or another site when I was looking for a crypt for my nano.
Re: Tom's Mini M - White fluff on wood?

I had the exact same white slime on my sumatra wood, developed soon after filling, then completely vanished after about 2-3 weeks. Unsightly at first but no biggy in the long term 😀
Re: Tom's Mini M - White fluff on wood?

i had some on this on my sumatra wood. The Amano went mad for it. Its all but gone now.
Thats a beautiful shot, Tom. The moss just needs to grow in a bit.😉
Thanks Johan. The moss was quite a lot more grown in, but I trimmed and re-tied it yesterday so it's all quite bare again. It seems to form nice tight triangular shapes that point slightly upwards. It's nice having moss that doesn't attach to things, but I don't think it will give as rustic a look as Java for example.