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Great pics again Ady! That rock doesn't look bad from those angles.

Please, please, make sure that wood is held down when you fill it.

Can you get the plants ordered today, I need to see this planted.
Wow, that hardscape is gorgeous! This is going to look amazing.
Sorry firefly, another post that went under the radar!
Much appreciated 🙂
No need to Ady.🙂 I am just so happy to see you work your next level,...you are a natural & one of the best aquascapers here in my book. Your posts are so down to earth & practical. I am just happy i get to enjoy the ride with you just like everyone else here.

I love the rock formations & the energy you've spent on creating all those details ( like those little caves & little sandy coves). This is going to be epic.
too kind Faizal mate, but i really do appreciate it, and i love sharing my experiences 🙂
Sorry but do you have a yoga mat under the stones for padding purposes? Or are you using styrofoam?

i used a thin pvc clear sheeting a little like acrylic, gives protection without being intrusive or breaking up into thousands of annoying little white polystyrene bubbles when moving large rocks around on it :sick:
Great pics again Ady! That rock doesn't look bad from those angles.

Please, please, make sure that wood is held down when you fill it.

Can you get the plants ordered today, I need to see this planted.
thanks Ian, apparently the wood doesnt float, Ed told me and Iain has confirmed it, thats what makes it a great aquascaping wood.....still a little nervous though :shh:
Pure Sex that scape is mate. I agree with ian hurry up and get the plants 😡

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im working on it mate 🙂

lovely layout I wouldn't change it at all, running 2 large ones wont cost to much I hope, have u ever done marine setup yet or is that your next venture? and agree with faizal love all the little nooks and crannies for shrimp and plants etc, really hope I can do this well one day and think I will also do island as love the setup and leaves all the sides of the aquarium free for all the fish and they are always visible, anyway keep the daily updates coming mate

also great idea about using the clear acrylic to protect the glass :thumbup:
lovely layout I wouldn't change it at all, running 2 large ones wont cost to much I hope, have u ever done marine setup yet or is that your next venture? and agree with faizal love all the little nooks and crannies for shrimp and plants etc, really hope I can do this well one day and think I will also do island as love the setup and leaves all the sides of the aquarium free for all the fish and they are always visible, anyway keep the daily updates coming mate

also great idea about using the clear acrylic to protect the glass :thumbup:

Hi Dean, no never tried marine but another of my 'to do's'. This tank came up literally just before i was going to look at the tmc signature marine systems so has put on hold the plans for now. Ill just use the studio tank for my marine project and retrofit it with a sump perhaps and all the other equipment as and when....no hurry, this ones getting my attention at the moment :angelic:

Im sure you will produce some great looking scapes, theres loads of different styles to try so there will always be the next project on the horizon. UKAPS opened my eyes to the endless possibilities, hopefully one day i can do something totally unique. Your current set up looks really nice and im sure is teaching you loads, all great experience for the future :thumbup:
And you will mate,... we just need to keep going at it ,....with each new tank,..new lessons are learnt & before you know it you will be looking at your own piece of paradise.🙂
Thanks mate really hope so 🙂 got inspired with this thread and give mine good clean yesterday going to do more often and loads of crap on lilly pipes, hope some updates coming soon Ady I am keen to see more :snaphappy:

Thanks mate really hope so 🙂 got inspired with this thread and give mine good clean yesterday going to do more often and loads of crap on lilly pipes, hope some updates coming soon Ady I am keen to see more :snaphappy:

Good stuff Dean.

Test filled last night, all good, level enough and the wood is incredible, scape it, fill it, and no floaters 🙂
One small issue, typically the large rock at the right that I need to draw attention from is the brightest flaming rock in the tank!!...roll on the moss 😉
....Oh, and I need to sort a backing out, my wallpaper isn't exactly NA!


Hi Ady,
mate that's a nice hardscape set up you have done here :thumbup:.
Maybe if want to draw attention on the right central rock, you could change the central piece of wood (the big one) with a smaller one the will be more contrast. But I don't think you will do it because this means redo everything lol.

I just wanted to know, I can see that you substrate is very thin ! You are not planing to plant in the substrate ?
Man, last week I have order a NA Aqua Rio 90 cm with cabinet movel wide and sun fluor light. So I am very happy to see a set up with almost the same tank. Now with your skills, it was a "must" for you to have a such nice tank and cabinet. Good work on the painting :thumbup:.
I am really exited to receive that complete set. They are doing the packaging now and will ship it by boat to Congo. So I will receive it around mid september 😀 !!

I am following this mate !!

Hi Ady,
mate that's a nice hardscape set up you have done here :thumbup:.
Maybe if want to draw attention on the right central rock, you could change the central piece of wood (the big one) with a smaller one the will be more contrast. But I don't think you will do it because this means redo everything lol.

I just wanted to know, I can see that you substrate is very thin ! You are not planing to plant in the substrate ?
Man, last week I have order a NA Aqua Rio 90 cm with cabinet movel wide and sun fluor light. So I am very happy to see a set up with almost the same tank. Now with your skills, it was a "must" for you to have a such nice tank and cabinet. Good work on the painting :thumbup:.
I am really exited to receive that complete set. They are doing the packaging now and will ship it by boat to Congo. So I will receive it around mid september 😀 !!

I am following this mate !!


Hi Zanguli,
I could easily remove any of the centre to right pieces, they just fit around each other and on the rocks in crevices, its like they were made to fit....however i think the big piece of wood balances the scape, with the big stones it needed a larger piece of wood i feel? If it was smaller you may in fact be drawn more to the large rock? Im hoping moss and some bolbitus will soften it somewhat, we will see 🙂

Oh mate, i bet you cant wait until September, they are really nice! I saw your post about the movel stand but couldnt help as mine was 100cm not 90.
Good luck with the set up, i hope youll do a journal :thumbup:

Thank you for the kind words also 🙂
I just wanted to know, I can see that you substrate is very thin ! You are not planing to plant in the substrate ?
No, I'm not planting in the substrate, only at the rear centre where it is a deeper layer 🙂
Hi Ady,

Have you considered the moss/blender method for attaching moss using DSM? Riccardia would look amazing in a larger scape like that. You could apply it to the rocks too, or any other moss species, of course.

In fact I'd be tempted to DSM all of your epiphytes for about 3 months or so.

Think of it as the ultimate in delayed gratification!
Hi Ady,

Have you considered the moss/blender method for attaching moss using DSM? Riccardia would look amazing in a larger scape like that. You could apply it to the rocks too, or any other moss species, of course.

In fact I'd be tempted to DSM all of your epiphytes for about 3 months or so.

Think of it as the ultimate in delayed gratification!
I had considered it for the mosses and pelias, especially given the results you had, but I just don't think I could wait having a fish tank in my house for 3 months without fish.....do you think it would have to be that long, or would they attach faster than that so I had the foundations laid, then fill and let them grow in slower? Sorry, can't remember how long yours took off the top of my head!
I am slightly worried how I'm going to attach everything in situ though, its giving me a slight headache as superglue looks nasty on hardscape (maybe it scrubs off with a wire brush or something....thinking of the future) and I'm sure although many have great success with it, it can't be that good for the plants. Maybe though it would be ok on this rock type with the white veining....tying wont be practical in some places, but I could attach some plants to smaller pieces of Seiryu and riccia stones and then place them. Most of the larger ferns and bolbitis and some moss won't be a problem as there are plenty of nooks and crannies to 'wedge' into 🙂
I've been buying up some already submersed species too in a plan to minimise the transition period so I can crank up the carbon for a few weeks to get things going ready to add a large clean up crew quickly to help battle any early algae issues in this type of set up.
Delayed gratification sounds great, clingfilm and water tubs with heaters in maybe not so great, but really i think I'm a bit too impatient in all honesty.....I'd already be thinking about the next one by then 😉
Hi Ady,

Have you considered the moss/blender method for attaching moss using DSM? Riccardia would look amazing in a larger scape like that. You could apply it to the rocks too, or any other moss species, of course.

In fact I'd be tempted to DSM all of your epiphytes for about 3 months or so.

Think of it as the ultimate in delayed gratification!

I second George's comment.

The scape would lend well to this method/look.
Try 3-4 weeks, not 3-4 months.

It'll still work.
the other option; Buces/Anubias etc.
BTW, you can grow the Mini pellia on 5-7 cm dia lava rock with a DSM is a tray outside etc. Then use that to wedge into the filled tank at a later date.
It is an awesome hardscape. Reminds me of an amazing island scape I saw here when I first signed up, but I can't for the life of me find it now. Had lots of bolbitis and moss. Think the guys name was perhaps Eastern European?
This one? Luis Moniz.....truly inspirational....I feel like a rip off merchant 🙂


90*45*45 | UK Aquatic Plant Society

Didn't even know this was a journal on here, It was one that had caught my eye in the past internet searching, as with some of mr. Amanos bolbitis island scapes. Worryingly for me Luis Moniz states one of the important factors to successful bolbitis is soft water.....mmm Seiryu sTDSones!!! Banghead!!!