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20 Dec 2015
Hello im new to forums but i really think the world should know that juwel tank lids can be custom despite the difficulties. i am going to post 3 sections, 1st prep, 2nd finnishing, 3rd fitting. hope you enjoy and prehaps 1 person will take inspiration from this project. i love juwel tanks and have had a couple through my aquatic life (15 years). The problem with jewels is the lids, in my opinion, are not suited for 'high tech' (if thats what you want to call it) tank setups due to the 2 tube only light bar/space between brace bar and lids for extra units to be fitted. i have tried adding more lights with consequences, ie melting of 4mm polycarbonate factory flaps and bulb fixing issues. i have a rio 180, i was running standard juwel lid and light bar with arcadia plant pro 45w fluorescent bulbs specifically designed for juwel tanks. i had 2 39w power compacts at the back of the tank with limited success. since changing to 4 45w tubes i have noticed the change dramatically. i run pressurised co2 and dose liquid ferts daily( weekly recomendations broke down to days and increased according to plant needs, which increases slowly month by month, greedy *******S !!) water changes of 40l a week, sometimes every 2 weeks depending on my work, with 2 tsp of normal baking soda added every 2nd time due to co2 eating away at the kh. substrate is a experiment i took the 'aqua soil' which is the tiny balls of substrate, i added liquid ferts and broke them down until i made clay. i rolled it out into a 10mm bed, added rot tabs and covered it in limpopo sand. works fantastically. i dont claim to be a 'guru' nor am i in anyway an expert, yes i have studied planted tanks down to the chemical and molecular level but i think this just complicates things and leads to more going wrong, i simply learnt from my mistakes (expensive), had patience and a saying i say is "i read my leaves". anyway i shall post the pics and explain stages. thanks for reading this post share if you will to show other people struggling witht the more demanding plant species that there is hope!!

ok so stage 1, prep. 18mm wpb plywood cut to size and i routered the edges down to 4mm so as to sit inside the juwel lid recess. made adjustmants for the brace bar and added a feeding hatch, routered the light end cap positions as the 50mm depth from tank to to brace bar will not allow for anything else, and also recesses for wires down the sides to tidy it up


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2nd stage sanding and finnishing. i used a fine sandpaper to take off rough edges and make the rounded edge for the feeding hatch. i 1st coated with normal floor varnish, nothing special just wilkos quick drying floor varnish. i was steered away from yacht varnish as it has molluscicides in it and feedback wasnt good?? maybe its ok i wasnt prepared to take the chance. so after 1st coat of varnish dried i took wet and dry glass paper and rubbed it down until it was like marble and my arms where like popeye!! i then applied 3 more coats allowing time to dry in between.


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and last but not least the fitting. lights where glued in place with normal superglue. reflectors also fixed using this method (i attach bogwood plants to the wood with superglue also and put straight in tank with no problems. all together i done this lid for 20 pound and a bit of hard work and planning. hope you enjoy and give me some feedback on it, but most of all i hope it inspires someone to also get creative.



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Hi all,
Welcome to UKAPS,
How did the lid do on the long term?
I got the same tank for a really good price, but the lid was missing...
I used two pieces of laminate floor boards of 8mm, but they bend slightly from the humidity, even if they are waterproof types for bathrooms.
@algae_connoisseur hasn't posted for a long time, so you may be reliant on another member to comment.

cheers Darrel
Hi Darrel,

Yes, I saw that unfortunately... :(

But I will add to the thread my recent experience with custom hood on the same tank.

I used the factory lights of 2x45W and made from waterproof laminate flooring the two flaps, which I was missing when I got the tank used.

Maybe there is a reason why the factory cover is so flimsy, because now my tank is overheating. I had to open the lids by 1cm on both sides to release the excess heat.
For 10h the temperature inccreased by 1 celsius and during the night the tank did not cool down to compensate. :(

I wondered how his full, thick wooden lid could work
Hi there
I have Oase Styleline which has sliding panels instead of flaps. During the summer I keep them slightly open as the temp diff between water and room gets by 2C!