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Deans 60p

I know just timed all wrong and no rush I want everything to be right lol Been on holiday etcwant plants ordered for my next 4 days off or maybe this 4 days of decide on lily anyone got pics or seen any of the ones I listed 17mm easy aqua ones ?
Sorry for lack of updates but will be coming very soon

Thanks Dean
I haven't seen those lily pipes sorry mate. I'd prefer smaller ones myself but I used to have some larger 17mm ones and they didn't look too big on a 60p.
mymytumu.jpg here is my order, will order on Sunday so comes Tuesday or Monday as I am off then, sorry about the rubbish pic, you think will be enough to keep algae at bay and be enough to fill tank or would you order more

Thanks Dean
Looks a good amount. £65 'just like that' 😱
Have you thought about the cascade glassware? They do Glass inlets and outlets and glass spraybars too. Pretty invisible unless you let it get dirty...
mymytumu.jpg here is my order, will order on Sunday so comes Tuesday or Monday as I am off then, sorry about the rubbish pic, you think will be enough to keep algae at bay and be enough to fill tank or would you order more

Thanks Dean

Wont come either of those days theyre closed sunday and Monday
Cheers alistair oh well Wednesday will be fine do 4 on 4 off so off Tuesday to Friday just making sure seems good amount of each and enough for the tank

The first week going to carry out daily water changes of around 60-70% currently use barrels but goin to rig something up with a pump eventually, also be dosing Ei daily and going to set bps to around 3-4 and lights 10-15cm above surface

You think that sounds good

Thanks Dean
Also here is how much tank raised In order to level it , hope it's ok as nothing under Center just edges


And this arrived yesterday didn't realise how big they were lol


Thanks Dean
Ordering plants tonight you think will be fine with then spaces under the edges and shouldn't sag in middle ?

Also does what I said my routine is going to be sound good ?

Thanks Dean
Wow, that floors wonky. Personally those water changes seem a bit much to me, you're probably right to do it but I only normally changed about 40% daily for the first week or two. As for the rest of it, it might be worth having the lights a bit higher to start off, I don't know how bright they are but I would be cautious after you're troubles last time round.

Looking forward to seeing it planted though mate, I've got my rescape done yesterday as well, I need to moss it up tonight which I'm not looking forward to.
Wow, that floors wonky. Personally those water changes seem a bit much to me, you're probably right to do it but I only normally changed about 40% daily for the first week or two. As for the rest of it, it might be worth having the lights a bit higher to start off, I don't know how bright they are but I would be cautious after you're troubles last time round.

Looking forward to seeing it planted though mate, I've got my rescape done yesterday as well, I need to moss it up tonight which I'm not looking forward to.

Cheers mate and I will check your rescape out when get home on laptop as better pics, I know it's in far wall of kitchen and tiles just are not straight at all and tried propping up slightly at back then front etc and very hard always end up with loads of spacers in might put sheets of paper under and try make a little better already added the Mdf but could still sag but sure will be fine I hope lol thanks again James and Tim will put lights 30cm or so and see how it goes, thinking about a quick rescape when off tomorro or wed and doing something similar to George's tmc signature but will see already put supports in ect so see if can be bothered only thing I don't have is 13mm outlet but will use eheim one for time being but the gush ones are back in stock this month and he is keeping one aside for me

Thanks Dean
I haven't started my new journal yet, I'll get some pics tonight though.

I've got a couple of spare 12mm lily pipes if you need one, only cheap Hong Kong ones but I could send one over if you need it.
That is what I need mate they should be in stock within next couple weeks how much you think postage will be for a one ? Is it an outlet lily pipe ?

Thanks Dean
placed my order today with TGM and got email saying wont get shipped till next wed 😱 might have a little rescape this week see if can have a change around plants came to £65 but had to increase to £75 for free shipping so ordered the book of ada hopefully decent and helpful

thanks dean
Going to have a mess around with layout later but put in all equipment hard to squeeze into cabinet lol


Had to loop the outlet to for heater in cabinet



One question I should have put lily pipes at front left then eheim skim rear right facing towards lily pipes for the flow but forgot about the eheim you think I could face front of tank if on lowest setting might also break up the co2 bubbles from diffuser

Also don't have outlet yet that's why green pipe with nothing on
Thanks Dean
Can you not cross your pipes over in the cabinet so you can have the outlet front left as you said, this would be better.
Can you not cross your pipes over in the cabinet so you can have the outlet front left as you said, this would be better.
the inlet pipe is to short to fit the left hand front but popping to dobbies tomorrow for couple meters as this will bug me so will put the outlet at ;eft front and inlet beside it and oposit that diffuser and eheim skim on rear right facing the left lol off Sunday and Monday so have a mess around with the layout I purchased a load of manzy wood a while ago so maybe wood and rock ?

cheers dean