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Red Ryuboku


9 Nov 2011
Tank-Optiwhite 60x41x30
Lights-Arcadia AF128F- 2x15W T8
Filter-TetraTec EX1200
Substrate- Tropica Substrate and Unipac Fiji (coarse)
Pressurised C02
Hardscape- Redmoor
Plants- 1-2 Stau Repens, 1-2 Lilaeopsis brasiliensis,Hairgrass,Xmas moss,Crypt Amoricum,Crypt Willisii,Crypt Petchii,Myriophyllum,Hygrophila Pinnatifida,Hygrophila Araguaia,Bolbitis,Bolbitis Difformis,Microsorium minor.

Thought i'd share my new setup, it's been going a couple of days.
Daily water changes, 50% or more.5hrs lighting for the time being.
Nothing earth shattering or ground breaking, i'll be my first attempt with co2 after various low tech set ups.
The Hygro's and Crypt Willisii are still in emmersed form so the look is a little unbalanced.







nice, I can imagine spending hours sat in that chair looking into the tank, it will come to life brilliantly once you stock it, any ideas yet as to fish/ shrimp

Nice 'wood' aquascape. Looks really great in the alcove :thumbup:
nice, I can imagine spending hours sat in that chair looking into the tank, it will come to life brilliantly once you stock it, any ideas yet as to fish/ shrimp
No plans yet, going to get the whole co2,flow thing worked out first.Probably something to keep the scale.Open to suggestions.
Nice 'wood' aquascape. Looks really great in the alcove :thumbup:
Really like this scape stu, keep that lilliapsis in check and you'll be on a winner,
Thanks mate.
In check, as in keep the pathway clear? That's the plan.Scissors at the ready.
Looks nice, I like the way you've arranged the plants looks like I imagine things to look under water in the wild.🙂
Small update from last night.
Not exactly mega growth compared to some super charged tanks, but that's to be expected, lighting considered.
Good news is that just about everything is settling in well, even the Stau Repens & H.Pinnatifida which i've always failed with before.
Going to top this Hygro and replant this tomorrow, to try and keep this lower & bushier, not sure it's in the right place though.
Removed some of the older, tatty leaves from the Bolbtius,
Both stem groups at the rear, Myriophyllum & H.Araguaia are also picking up nicely.
Lighting up to 5½ hours
Couple of pics



Love this scape, and good photography too. Opti-White really pays off doesn't it? That water is crystal. Well done!

A cabinet interior shot too; you are a tease! (insert posh chocs "ambassador, you are spoiling us" pop culture reference here).
All the best from Bill. 😀
Love this scape, and good photography too. Opti-White really pays off doesn't it? That water is crystal. Well done!
A cabinet interior shot too; you are a tease! (insert posh chocs "ambassador, you are spoiling us" pop culture reference here).
All the best from Bill. 😀
Thanks Bill,pretty sure water changes every other day help with the clarity 🙂
More of a Toberlone fan myself....
That hardscape is excellent. I love wood and rocks covered in moss; it's a very peaceful look.
Glad you like it, early days though.