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Red Ryuboku

Thanks Claire
TBH i never actually got around to using the D-D reg, i'd picked it up practically free, but couldn't be bothered throwing more money at it, in an effort to convert it.
The UP A-165 that's running is the 1st one i've used, but seems pretty good.
I just couldn't get it to stop leaking, so eventually sold it and got a china one with solenoid and it's perfect. I've just ordered this one for another tank, so will see what it's like. I needed one that I could adjust flow pressure on for the other tank since I was using an inline diffuser, but it's just going to be an in-tank glass diffuser this time so thought I'd try this one and see if it's any good. At least it's only coming from England and not Hong Kong or something if it's crap and I need to send it back haha.
Cheers fellas
like i said, thought i'd kick myself for asking.
Surprised really, less than 1 BPS (JBL bubble counter), and only couple of hours with a T8 lighting, and the moss pearls 😀
(yes i now it needs trimming)
Looking good Stu. Glad you're managing to avoid too many algae problems so far as mine was a disaster for a while before I got it back under control. It looked like something had had a sneezing fit into the tank the amount of green slime that was on everything and what wasn't slimy was black and hairy. Honest to goodness it was a nightmare haha. Would love to see a fts 🙂
Cheers Richard, lovely will do just fine.
We have similar set-ups, to a point.The lights.
Mine is the now the limiting factor,which makes the co2 management easier for me.
Stuff grows a lot slower ,than say some of the 'Signature' scapes on here with better lighting.
The good point of this means i don't have to trim so often.

Thanks Claire
So far i have picked up a bit of hair algae whilst experimenting with new BPS rates.
Don't worry, the atomiser's only been going a couple of days, plenty time yet for problems to occur 😉

The moss & Myriophyllum will both be getting a proper trim this weekend, lost most of the Staurogyne (again) but will try a small patch in an area of better flow.Just trying a few things out really.
Tiny bit of Anubias nana 'Golden', added for good measure.
Seeing as you asked so nicely, couple of random pics.



Keep forgetting to update this, had to wade through 10 pages to find it buried away, shows how busy the forum is 🙂
Don't worry, the atomiser's only been going a couple of days, plenty time yet for problems to occur 😉
This turned out to be rather prophetic.
The atomiser (like so many threads on here), has turned into a right PITA.
Despite regular cleaning, the BPS has been erractic, starting at the correct level and slowing down through the day, even at 3 bar working pressure.
Result=hair algae.Not too much, but enough to ruin the xmas moss.Chopped this right back, to start again.
On the same note, got rid of moss stones in the foreground & replaced with E.Tennelus.Some from pots (which has melted badly :banghead:), and some 1-2 Grow.
Swapped the Hygrophilas around, didn't look right before.
Had a TMC lily pipe in previously, but this angled the flow straight down, and resulted in zero surface agitation.This has been changed to an Easy aqua one that's resolved that problem.
Just to cap it all, the Hydor inline heater's now playing up, tank temp=20ºC, dial=28ºC. Having read recent posts about faulty ones,i'm now a slightly worried.
Glare monster is currently glaring so,will post FTS later.
Fun hobby this.
Blimey, that's depressing.Spot the difference, or lack of.




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The thing that annoys me about my inline is that if you point your outlet to where you want the co2 to go, then you get no surface agitation, but if you point it for surface agitation then you waste gas. I am using just a cheap and cheerful in tank diffuser for my new 35l setup and it's great. Seems to be pretty efficient on gas too. Just had to wait an absolute millennia for it to arrive from HK. Ordered 2 coz I know fine well if I ordered 1 I would break it and have no co2 for another 6 weeks...
Are you going to enter this in the iaplc?
Actually it had crossed my mind,still got a couple of months till the final entry date, so hopefully i might get it looking how i want before then. :lol:
Thanks for the support BTW.
The thing that annoys me about my inline is that if you point your outlet to where you want the co2 to go, then you get no surface agitation, but if you point it for surface agitation then you waste gas. I am using just a cheap and cheerful in tank diffuser for my new 35l setup and it's great. Seems to be pretty efficient on gas too. Just had to wait an absolute millennia for it to arrive from HK. Ordered 2 coz I know fine well if I ordered 1 I would break it and have no co2 for another 6 weeks...

TBH, the original set up of diffuser under the filter inlet, worked really well, except for the lack of surface agitation.This was fine before i put the Rill's in, but i'm trying to get the population up to a decent level, hence the need for a shrimp guard.This then impeded the flow of gas up the inlet.
The new Lily + a different atomiser (thanks Lee), would seem to be a good solution.
Unlike this journal, this tank was/is still going.
Running out of time before the IAPLC entry date, plus a rubbish pic= 1263rd


Went on holiday in May so took the gas off, and kept it off for the rest of the year.
Actually did pretty well, virtually no maintenance through the summer as we spent most of it outside.The Bolbtis went crazy...
Replanted this in December, stuck the gas back on,changed over to Tropica aquasoil.
There's a thicket of Rotala, back right,which has already hit the surface and so has had its 1st trim back down to substrate level.
The Frogbit & couple of random placed mini A.Reineckii are just temporary.
Never really tried done a carpet properly before, currently resisting the urge to trim the Monte Carlo as it has really rooted properly.Advice?



Looking good stu, with the Monte Carlo, you can mow it low, it bounces back well or to make sure it roots well press it down with the palm of your hand, this method worked well for me with my tree scape, I'd press it flat before waterchange and syphon off the crap that stirs up, think I only trimmed it twice in around 3 months using this method.