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The Cube


New Member
5 Jul 2020
In these strange times I've found myself coming back to an old hobby. I had my first aquarium 17 years ago, and then a 5 year hiatus since 2014.
To see all my projects, follow @fishandaquascapes on instagram... I'm now back to 9 aquariums and 4 walstad bowls.

30 x 30 x 30 cm glass cube. I initially tidied the aquariums silicone up with a stanley knife blade. It also started out on a small table, but now lives on my glass desk.
Substrate: Seachem Fluorite Black Sand (required a lot of rinsing!)
Lighting: Started out with some old t5 power compact tubes (24W each), to then move to a LED lights with 24 hr cycles.
Now I'm using a grow-light lamp of 60W, but on or under half power for most the time. I also used a submersible led to backlight in some of the photos below.
Fertilisers: Started out dry dosing using the EI method. Now I'm using EI's solutions.
A lot of these photos and progress are from the spring/summer. So for now, I'm just going to do a bit of an image dump.






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Some of the cherry shrimps decided to multiply...I have 100's across multiple different tanks now!


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More light, more algae. Woops.


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Not looking great, but I was enjoying the 24hr light cycle. Look closely to spot the horned nerite snails.


After a change of location and a tidy up...Click to see pearling!


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