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Blue jelly island :-) journal finished

Looks really nice tim, I bet your shrimp love it in there!:clap: Any jelly babies yet?
Thanks James, unfortunately no babies I lost all but one of the jellies through the summer due to the extreme temps 🙁 a couple of berried shrimp dropped eggs before hatching but no babies, I've added a few tiger shrimp now which seem to be doing ok so far.
That's a great shame mate. Hopefully your Tigers will breed. You could always get more at Christmas!😉
Well I'm thinking 12ltrs is a little small for stability so I'm working hard on the wife allowing a shrimp rack 🙂 it's doable but I may have to let a couple of other tanks go first, then I'll give the jellies a better shot :thumbup:
Hi folks, not seen a shrimp in this for a while so I'll be taking it down at the start of next week as a scape it's looking ok, I'll be trying to get a good final image over the next few days with my daughters dslr, took about 50 odd this morning, this is one I thought was ok.

Opinions great fully received.
As always cheers for looking 🙂
Sorry it did not work out with the Jellies,not easy in the small tank to keep it stable(know well from my own expierence).Very clean and well defined nano scape 🙂 Cheers mark
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Sorry it did not work out with the Jellies,not easy in the small tank to keep it stable(know well from my own expierence).Very clean and well defined nano scape 🙂 Cheers mark
Thanks mark, stability has been difficult to achieve think I'll be sticking to cherries for a while on the shrimp front they seem to be the only shrimp I can get to thrive.
Throw some Sparkling gouramis in there Tim, brilliant wee fish!🙂
They are lovely little fish James but I have some new rocks and a scape in mind involving moss and anubias bonsai and maybe some bucephalandras, thanks for the comments and following the journey guys and gals :thumbup:
Looking forward to the next chapter🙂

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