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Ooooh My First Dedicated Shrimp Nano.

A quick look on the Benibachi USA website has this on the description for Beemax "Use 1 spoon for a 20G tank after weekly water changes (mixed well in a cup of tank water) or use 20g for a 20G tank during tank setup."

But UK Benibachi and hobbyshrimp websites have a different description not mentioning the "(mixed well in a cup of tank water)"

Today's dose of Beemax was mixed well in a cup of tank water and with a bit of coaxing into the tank, appears to have taken better to the water column and hopefully the substrate.

On another note. I have moved the filter down back into the water so the outlet pipe is now streaming straight across the tank 3 quarters submerged. As I tried the outlet pipe completely out of the water so the water cascaded into the tank. Although I am sure oxygen levels rose due to the water plopping into the tank, the side effect of the cascading was that the surface was still further away from the outlet pipe. The Fogbit would gather around the filter rather than whizz round the tank. Now the outlet pipe is mostly submerged I get flow and surface agitation. Oxygen added into the water column with the use of a Söchting Oxydator mini. Job done.

Hopefully the shrimp are enjoying their new first class lifestyle and the playa's amongst them will make themselves known. Ohhh yeah!!! :playful:
Hey roly, this oxygenator malarky.. never seen them before until you linked that vid. How do they actually work??
First class lifestyle now for your inverts!!
As good as the Mosura products are, love bt9, if you want to save some cash the holland and barrett 100% organic spirulina power is a great baby food:thumbup:
Hi Iain. I can only go by the manufacturers website and what was on Hobby Shrimp and thought I would give it try. I ordered the mini version which came with 2 bottles of the solution and I bought another one for less than £2.

As Lindy says on her Journal it might work out more expensive than an airstone. But aesthetically it is less unsightly than an airstone. Especially as I have quite a small tank and already have wires and internal filter in view. This is discreet and I can hide it a little in some of the plants.

I have noticed today the plants are pearling (might be the oxygen building up) quite a lot more than normal.

Go on you have intrigued me about the Mosura BT9. I have often wondered which is the better range, Mosura or Benibachi or another. Its hard to tell as some online shops sell one or the other, some swear by one or the other, but price, quality and effectiveness must come into it. A la Ford, BMW, Bentley etc.

So is the Mosura BT9 an alternative to the Benibachi BeeMax? The description on the BT9 seems to show it does a lot more than the Beemax? So should I be using it as well as the BeeMax. Is there any other additives I should be using that are proven (rather than some of the wishy washy descriptions about may improve XYZ)? Is the H&B Spirulina something I need to get for if I get shrimplets? Confused. 😕 Help

Appreciate the comments. Thanks in advance.
Apparently you can buy hydrogen Peroxide at the Pharmacy. I'll have to check that out and see if it is cheaper. Did you use 1 or 2 ceramic catylists in your oxydator? I started with 1 then put the second in, figured it wouldn't do any harm.
Hydrogen peroxide is available in boots for maybe £2 a bottle.

And this oxygenation technique has an advantage over Airstones, as this Sochting doesn't gas off Co2 in a high tech environment.

Win-win 😉

If your not injecting co2, then the alternate method of oxidising your water, in raising Lily/spray causing surface agitation and an air stone will actually increase your water co2 level.
Go on you have intrigued me about the Mosura BT9. I have often wondered which is the better range, Mosura or Benibachi or another. Its hard to tell as some online shops sell one or the other, some swear by one or the other, but price, quality and effectiveness must come into it. A la Ford, BMW, Bentley etc.

So is the Mosura BT9 an alternative to the Benibachi BeeMax? The description on the BT9 seems to show it does a lot more than the Beemax? So should I be using it as well as the BeeMax. Is there any other additives I should be using that are proven (rather than some of the wishy washy descriptions about may improve XYZ)? Is the H&B Spirulina something I need to get for if I get shrimplets? Confused. 😕 Help

Jeez, ill be honest mate i dont really know but what i did see in my tank is no breeding for a long time after introduction, think like 3-4 months, the shrimp were very much old enough to start producing. Then i started using BT9 and saw a big increase in berried females and shortly after a massive influx in shrimplets. I havent stopped since and always have 4-6 berried females.

I dont believe in adding all the products they offer and in all honesty when bt9 runs out i will try without to see what happens as less can be more with shrimp, but ultimately the more you add to the water the more the TDS will rise which will have more of a negative effect than any potion we add could counter??! im pretty sure that ive never seen a mosura bottle at eds when visiting and think some may be a bit like adding penac to substrate... more benefit to the company GP than the hobbiest.

Spirulina is great as a powered food, i found i was seeing a lot of berried females but not many shrimplets if any for a while, then after reading breeders and keepers it seems to be a well regarded fact that powdered food is critical in the first few days when the shrimplets dont move. I now have spirulina and mosura powdered feed which i add a couple of times a week. Just be careful as its very easy to over feed with powdered foods!
Nothing to add to the current discussion but just wanted to say what a great journal this is, as was your 'my first aquarium'. I really should do a journal next time I start a tank. I always seem to seek advice when it goes wrong as opposed to avoid some of the problems by getting the experienced input beforehand.
Jeez, ill be honest mate i dont really know but what i did see in my tank is no breeding for a long time after introduction, think like 3-4 months, the shrimp were very much old enough to start producing. Then i started using BT9 and saw a big increase in berried females and shortly after a massive influx in shrimplets. I havent stopped since and always have 4-6 berried females.

I dont believe in adding all the products they offer and in all honesty when bt9 runs out i will try without to see what happens as less can be more with shrimp, but ultimately the more you add to the water the more the TDS will rise which will have more of a negative effect than any potion we add could counter??! im pretty sure that ive never seen a mosura bottle at eds when visiting and think some may be a bit like adding penac to substrate... more benefit to the company GP than the hobbiest.

Spirulina is great as a powered food, i found i was seeing a lot of berried females but not many shrimplets if any for a while, then after reading breeders and keepers it seems to be a well regarded fact that powdered food is critical in the first few days when the shrimplets dont move. I now have spirulina and mosura powdered feed which i add a couple of times a week. Just be careful as its very easy to over feed with powdered foods!

Excellent info Iain, I'm going to order some Benebachi Baby food and Beemax 😉
Little and large face off.
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Ah. I have to say the online shimp shops are really good. Really pleased with the service from them all to date.
Received some leaves, baby food, Bee strong and Bee speed through the post, promptly and with a nice explanation as to why the extra stuff. Which for me the shrimp Noob is great.

Also got through some of Georges shrimp through the post which have been dutifully drip acclimatised over 2hrs and then added to the rest of the population. Was unsure at first if they should be quarantined, but I have no facilities do do that, so have risked it and added. They all appear to have settled in nicely. Good colours. Now all I need to do is work out if I have male and females in the tank as buying shrimp is a costly business.
LOL - I did wonder Lindy. :crazy:

What occurred was that I ordered, in preparation (probably a bit prematurely as we are coming into winter), some Benibachi baby food. However the online shop had run out (as have most) and thus sent me through a natural baby food, plus the Benibachi Bee Speed, and Benibachi Bee Strong. I guess as to supplement the natural baby food.

All I can find on the web is the product description for the Super Enzyme Bee Speed which says "Benibachi Bee Speed is the latest product in the Benibachi product range. This pumpkin based powder has been designed to help promote the growth of both shrimp and plants within the aquarium. Other than pumpkin, the ingredients are be kept a closely guarded secret, we are told the results of Bee Speed are "phenomenal"
Simply sprinkle a pinch of Bee Speed directly into the aquarium each each week."
Will give it go however I am not sure I am qualified to know if it makes a difference.

Meanwhile I will watch carefully for shrimp raving in my tank, tripping their nuts off on Bee Speed. 😉
LOL - I did wonder Lindy. :crazy:

What occurred was that I ordered, in preparation (probably a bit prematurely as we are coming into winter), some Benibachi baby food. However the online shop had run out (as have most) and thus sent me through a natural baby food, plus the Benibachi Bee Speed, and Benibachi Bee Strong. I guess as to supplement the natural baby food.

All I can find on the web is the product description for the Super Enzyme Bee Speed which says "Benibachi Bee Speed is the latest product in the Benibachi product range. This pumpkin based powder has been designed to help promote the growth of both shrimp and plants within the aquarium. Other than pumpkin, the ingredients are be kept a closely guarded secret, we are told the results of Bee Speed are "phenomenal"
Simply sprinkle a pinch of Bee Speed directly into the aquarium each each week."
Will give it go however I am not sure I am qualified to know if it makes a difference.

Meanwhile I will watch carefully for shrimp raving in my tank, tripping their nuts off on Bee Speed. 😉

Take a spoonful yourself before maintenance. You'll have the cleanest tank in town.