Hi all,
It is pretty hard in a planted tank to get ammonia toxicity. I've never tried deliberately to raise ammonia levels using an ammonia based fertiliser like ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4), but my suspicion would be that you would need quite a lot of it in a planted tank to cause the death of the livestock.
People who keep huge carnivorous fish in an inadequate volumes of water, with a canister filter, no substrate and no plants have every chance of poisoning their fish, but for us it isn't really an issue.
cheers Darrel
You don't need a test kit for ammonia, if you have enough of it to be toxic, you will know. Ammonia is actually quite hard to test for, mainly because it is a dissolved gas. We struggle in the lab., even with an ion selective electrode.It sounds like at the end of the day this was a case of test kit accuracy issue.
It is pretty hard in a planted tank to get ammonia toxicity. I've never tried deliberately to raise ammonia levels using an ammonia based fertiliser like ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4), but my suspicion would be that you would need quite a lot of it in a planted tank to cause the death of the livestock.
People who keep huge carnivorous fish in an inadequate volumes of water, with a canister filter, no substrate and no plants have every chance of poisoning their fish, but for us it isn't really an issue.
cheers Darrel
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