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Kyle Lambert

15 Aug 2013
So i couldnt find anything on the forums already and ive only been here five minutes, but i was wondering if people would be happy sending any excess plants they have to people. My tank is only 6 weeks old so im in no position as yet but i know i will have some Cabomba i would be happy to send to people in a few weeks time and maybe some DHG in 8 weeks.

So im proposing we create a small forum on which we can trade or gift plants to those who need them.

Make a list of the plants you currently have available on your next trim and post them here. People can then read what they would like and message that person. The receiver would have to pay for postage of course unless someone is extremely charitable.

Happy trading.
There is a trading section on the forum, however, we restrict access to it specifically to stop people from attempting to trade after having only been on the forum for 5 minutes and not having contributed anything meaningful to the forum. When you have achieved 25 posts or more the trading section will appear. Until such time, kindly exercise restraint in trading requests.

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