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A 'little' box of chocolates, licorice n allsorts - baby chocco fry

They are outrageously cute.

What photo gear did you go with in the end?

Very cute mate. They're virtual miniatures of their parents now and growing really quick. Unfortunately a fair few seem to just vanish which I presume means they got eaten or just weren't tough enough but still got lots.
I spotted another female with a mouth full again........ I was going to take the tank down this week grrrr. Might move her now before the adults are taken out and put lots of moss and ferns in the temporary holding tub.
Ive clocked a much much smaller licorice gourami too. Only about 2cm in length which has me wondering if theyve bred at some point.

Camera wise ive finally settled on a Nikon d3200, the nikkor 18-55 lens and a Sigma 17-70 macro lense with os recommended by George. Still rubbish at close ups though.

Hi mate, just wondering how and what you're feeding the tiny fry? Or have I missed a post somewhere?

Great pics as always, phone camera pics all seem pretty much on par with basic compact results these days . . . Oops, that's another session of electroshock treatment to stop me needlessly upgrading my tech!

All the best from Bill. 😀

Hi mate.
Theyre not so tiny anymore ha ha. Im just feeding banana worms 3 times daily to all fish. I usually just feed twice but the young need it more often.
Theyre actually attempting to gobble down frozen mini blood worm.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Very cute mate. They're virtual miniatures of their parents now and growing really quick. Unfortunately a fair few seem to just vanish which I presume means they got eaten or just weren't tough enough but still got lots.
Ive just spotted another female with a mouth full again........ I was going to take the tank down this week grrrr. Might move her now before the adults are taken out and put lots of moss and ferns in the temporary holding tub.
Ive clocked a much much smaller licorice gourami too. Only about 2cm in length which has me wondering if theyve bred at some point.

Camera wise ive finally settled on a Nikon d3200, the nikkor 18-55 lens and a Sigma 17-70 macro lense with os recommended by George. Still rubbish at close ups though.

Awesome news on the licorice Alastiar. Given how secretive they are, if you've spotted one there may well be more.

Sounds like a good choice of kit as well. Macro has probably the lowest keeper rate of any sort of photography so can be a bit frustrating at first, but stick with it.
Awesome news on the licorice Alastiar. Given how secretive they are, if you've spotted one there may well be more.

Sounds like a good choice of kit as well. Macro has probably the lowest keeper rate of any sort of photography so can be a bit frustrating at first, but stick with it.

Thanks mate. Im hoping so too. Ill know when I come to catch them if theres more than I put in ha ha. The males are really dark and flashing deep blue at the females. I think I have 2 species of paros.

Im sticking with the kit. Just getting or trying to get used to manually adjusting settings.
I just meant im rubbish at macro not the lense ha ha

can you remind me, do you use the water out of your tap or RO, RO/Tapwater mix? If it is tapwater could you tell me what the parameters? I imagine it must be soft, acidic?

Hi Sanj
Yes of course mate. I use water straight from the tap. My water is very soft and comes out about ph 6.8 gh4 and kh 2 I think from last time I tested it.
And I do small regular water changes to not have a big impact coupled with nutrasoil which also brings down the ph and kh a little more.
In tank I think its much lower than the tap now

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Hi Sanj
Yes of course mate. I use water straight from the tap. My water is very soft and comes out about ph 6.8 gh4 and kh 2 I think from last time I tested it.
And I do small regular water changes to not have a big impact coupled with nutrasoil which also brings down the ph and kh a little more.
In tank I think its much lower than the tap now
Thanks Alistair, I was just wondering because it would be quite a bit of water to use if it was RO. They are really nice fish to keep, you are lucky though with your tap water.
Well ivr finally caught all the fish and feel quite sad that this journal is coming to an end. Especially given how the fish have rewarded me with plenty of babies.

To add to that, I mentioned id seen a much much smaller licorice gourami which showed signs of breeding, ive come out with 6 more than went in and they are half the size of adults so im very very happy with that. Very happy

Just want to thank everyone for their kind and positive comments on this tank, wished it could have run longer to see it fully grown in but the new tank is underway from Friday.

Thanks everyone 😀
😱 L..l...licorice juveniles!? Amazing, truly amazing, they're so hard to keep and monitor due to their shy behaviour let alone breed. It really shows that the environment you have created is fantastic and meets the need of the fish you are keeping, you didn't just focus on aquascapes but also the fishes' needs. You live stocks are not surviving but they are thriving. :clap:

I am genuinely impressed, licorice and chocolate gouramis are 2 of my most favourite fish and since I don't keep them due to the lack of self confidence, it really makes me happy to see others have success with them. I truly aspire to be able to accomplish what you've done some day.

Hats off to you sir!

Thats brilliant Alistair, exciting to find that your fish have successfully bred and multiplied.

Hi Sanj
It sure is. Especially the licorice. Seems a shame to have to have taken their home away from them as they were clearly very happy. My paros seem bullet proof.

😱 L..l...licorice juveniles!? Amazing, truly amazing, they're so hard to keep and monitor due to their shy behaviour let alone breed. It really shows that the environment you have created is fantastic and meets the need of the fish you are keeping, you didn't just focus on aquascapes but also the fishes' needs. You live stocks are not surviving but they are thriving. :clap:

I am genuinely impressed, licorice and chocolate gouramis are 2 of my most favourite fish and since I don't keep them due to the lack of self confidence, it really makes me happy to see others have success with them. I truly aspire to be able to accomplish what you've done some day.

Hats off to you sir!


Thanks michael thats really really confidence enspiring and given me that extra to want to do as good in my next tank. I may set up a specific tank for the licorice for breeding so I can have the water really tannin stained and super soft and acidic. Something like a little 60 litre.
I cant really have the new tank tea stained unfortunately. Would spoil the image I have.
I think that's why I missed them breed to due to their shyness. Although they would come out when I put my face to the glass as they knew it was feeding time. Do feel sad to have taken away there home though.

Looking forward to it mate 🙂 ... And this tank will make way to something special ................... i feel it in my bones!


Ha ha me too mate.
This tank is just murky now. I couldnt catch all the zillions of shrimp because of this 😱

The Maidenhair still looks as lovely. Its roots have grown into the emmersed moss so it all came away as one. Much easier to attach to the new tank now


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I spy a TMC tank in the way lol ....

That tank looks so small to the new 1 ... But its massive its self haha

Seems diddy in comparison to the new one mate.

Al is going to start a new trend with that red net, I can see it having good contrast against the green of the plants as one swish and swirl it while catching the fish.

Still catching tank inhabitants. ... mainly teeny crystal blacks

Hats off to you Alastair, a great achievement successfully breeding and rearing those gouramis.
Its a shame to see the tank closed down, but here's to the next intriguing instalment :thumbup:
Hats off to you Alastair, a great achievement successfully breeding and rearing those gouramis.
Its a shame to see the tank closed down, but here's to the next intriguing instalment :thumbup:

Thanks Ady. Hopefully the next one will look half decent too.
Speaking of breeding. ... look at this already.
This is in the temporary holding tub.
Female on top with a chin full of fry (hence the balloon chin) and the male underneath guarding her

No stopping these at the moment