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A 'little' box of chocolates, licorice n allsorts - baby chocco fry

Bummer about the setback but Im sure you will work it out. Its gonna look awesome when its all done. Do you have permission from the national grid to run that light ?! You could bring aeroplanes in with that ! LOL
Bummer about the setback but Im sure you will work it out. Its gonna look awesome when its all done. Do you have permission from the national grid to run that light ?! You could bring aeroplanes in with that ! LOL

Ha ha yeah it does look pretty bright but in person it's not excessive and is classed as low light so shouldn't have any problems. I can raise it anyway if too bright but plan on having lots of floaters.

And yep cabinets finally together just needs staining now. Big thanks to aron for the advice on fixing the miscut problems.

So nothing much to add, it's going to be a bit of a slow one this now as no tank for 4 weeks 🙁

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Great journal so far.

The lighting looks really neat, are just standard downlights? Will they be far above the tank? What is the ip rating?

The addition of a good few LED's would be a good shout. The ripple effect an colour would be good even if there not high power lamps.
Great journal so far.

The lighting looks really neat, are just standard downlights? Will they be far above the tank? What is the ip rating?

The addition of a good few LED's would be a good shout. The ripple effect an colour would be good even if there not high power lamps.

Thanks Nayr, I just need to add the frame to the lighting. They are low energy downlight units, and from what I remember as I don't have the boxes now they are only ip20 rated....
Light unit will be a minimum of about 90cm above the water surface and if it needs raising it should be easy enough to do.
Agreed on the LEDs I'm going to get a few next month and switch out a couple of the current ones for those. Should give a nice effect under water amongst the leaf litter and wood etc.

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Glad your sorted now mate, forgot I read that message the other night :lol:

Cant wait to see it all in situ!

It's ok I don't mind your ignorance mate 😉 ha ha only kidding.
Me too buddy me too. Just feels a drag, 4 weeks until the tank comes 🙁

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Can't wait for more updates! Out of curiosity where do you get the hanging baskets from? And what substrate do you use in tyem as i am really interested in doing this in my discus aquaruim and could you reccomend some easy available plants to use?

Thanks mate.
The hanging baskets are just suction shower caddies off eBay, clear plastic ones at about 2.90 per caddy and substrate wise I just used some hydrogen balls tipped with cat litter and some Ada Amazonia mixed in but found I needed to line the caddies with some plastic mesh as they have finger sized holes in. You can just use tesco cat litter on its own in them. I may have a few caddies spare once I sort the stack of emmersed plants that need to go and fish storage out.
Easy plants are your typical peace Lilly's, antherium lillies, calathea prayer plant etc.
not sure ill be having much emmersed in this new one

Nice progress Al! We need the obligatory child on the stand shot for scale though...!

Thanks AL (sounds strange saying that too lol) i was thinking that but will wait until the tanks on as she wants to site In it before I water test it ha ha

have added a very light coating of wood stain to it to give it a bit of water protection too this week.
Will pop up a pic or two of it and also one of the very large pieces of bogwood that's going in, which doesn't seem so big on the stand. Well in person it does I just find the iPhone makes things look smaller.
Hoping I get lots of money in my birthday cards today to buy some small stones and smaller bits of wood too.

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Happy birthday mate......

Thanks mate 🙂

awesome build! great work🙂

Quite chuffed with it myself really I almost gave up with the mis cutting from the DIY place but persevered in the end lol.

Is it done yet? 😛

Lol not yet, tank arrives a week Sunday so looking forward to that.
Here's a couple of pics using my iphone of the stained cabinet and one if the pieces of wood but unsure of which positions look best but will play around with that once the tanks down and substrate in.



Just a comparison to show the size of the cabinet in relation to the light too


I'm just hoping the stored plants I have hold out another two weeks if not then its going to be a slow one.

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It already looks really impressive - excellent work! And very nice piece of wood - what does it look like placed vertically?
Thank you, I hope it looks as appealing once it's up and running. I have tried the wood in a few positions but until the substrate is in I can't make my mind up 🙁

Is there any news on this yet if you ask me your taking too long 😀 hahaha

:lol: the only news I can give is the tank arrives a week tomorrow that's it lol. The plants I left in a storage tub are doing quite well given they have little if any light. There aren't many so that's on my to do list for plant shopping. Hoping to have as much plants along wiki leaf litter as I can and the fish
In quite quick.

One question I was pondering on is once the tank has the original pre used substrate in, and filled up with fresh water along with the 100 litres I have stored and two fully cycled filters am I safe to pop in my fish straight away once tanks reached ideal temp. Or shall I slowly drip feed the water from the big tank into the storage to allow fish and shrimp to adjust over a few hours.