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A 'little' box of chocolates, licorice n allsorts - baby chocco fry






That thang is massive! You could cultivate a crop of corn in there and feed the family for 6 months...

Can't wait for you to get it filled up!

ha ha I know mate. I'm struggling with planting all this lileaopsis. didntrealise actually how much substrate area there Is to cover.
have filled the tank up which took a while as I didnt want to blast up the substrate.
will upload latest pics once I'm home. was shocked before though as I was looking at a piece of floating fissedens which I don't have any of and when I pulled it out a tiny bright white shrimp swam off it. can't find it now but chances of it surviving with the imminent ammonia spike probably aren't big 🙁

40cm was definitely the right choice.

definitely agree mate. I think I'd struggle with something deeper.
ps I know you said your avoiding my journal now through jealousy lol but its all your fault anyway as it was your journal that started me off on this road :lol:
Details are: Tank: 1200x1200x400(h) @12mm thick so roughly about 570 litres DIY cabinet with design knocked up by aron off here ( thanks mate)

Awesome dimensions. Makes me wish we'd gone for a new build not our 1930's semi with suspended wooden floors.

Those braceless aquarium glass thickness calculators always reckon 6 or 8 mm glass is enough for tanks this depth, but I'd be pretty scared below 10mm I think.

id be terrified of glass that thin on this if it was braceless too. id be making sure my home insurance payments were never missed thats for sure 😉

Fantastic Al mate. Bet your well happy with that! Its Huge.

totally mate I'm really really happy. I'm glad I didnt go for a 5ftx 5ft or it would have overpowered the room. this is just perfect for the room size. I will go bigger but when I move next year. it is massive in person and a pain having to stand on a chair and stretch across to plant or 're arrange and end up front of t shirt totally soaked.

Just add a heater and a few Hydors and an air pump then you have a hot tub for the kids.

ha ha my little girl was really heart broken she never got to get in before it got planted. I've promised her some goggles and when its growing in and fish are added she can bob her head under when she feels like it lol.
Awesome dimensions. Makes me wish we'd gone for a new build not our 1930's semi with suspended wooden floors.

I know the feeling, any other room and I couldn't do it, I was lucky that the kitchen was moved to an extension and the original kitchen and dining room was concreted.
I know the feeling, any other room and I couldn't do it, I was lucky that the kitchen was moved to an extension and the original kitchen and dining room was concreted.

Kitchen / lounge extension when we get that far will have a solid floor. Wouldn't fancy filling the 18" void under the lounge.

Looking forward to the pictures of this progressing.
here's a few pics of the tank and as it stands now. the anubias placement was pretty much mikes work as he enjoyed gluing it on but enjoyed seeing the young lad josh glue his own finger in the most unusual position ever. lucky we had a debond liquid ha ha

wood with anubias and trident. still have yet to attach some weeping moss and add more trident

front view empty

and how it currently looks now. still have a fair few plantelts of marsilea, lileaopsis and tennelus to add but my back has given up for now. moss still to go in and crypts have been added all around the wood so it will hopefully look good from all sides when they get going.

final bit of planting done today
Untitled by Mr-T-, on Flickr

I know it doesn't look much at the moment but will hopefully look much more appealing as the weeks go on. I also need to add an edging around the base of the tank.
I will try to get a shot of the teeny little shrimplet when or if I can.
Hi Alastair,
looking great, love the way the wood emerges in the centre.
What we need now is photos from each viewable side 🙂.... tomorrow will do though, looks like its been a busy day 🙂 lol
Wow that looks fantastic. I had missed before that this is such a big tank. I really like those proportions.
This is awesome. Love the set up and the planting and bogwood are making me wide-eyed and green with envy.

Your tank looks bigger than my living room.

You are an utter, glorious Cad, and I am insane with jealousy.

All the best from Bill. 😀

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