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Ada 60P, 'behind blue eyes'

Couldn't resist this wooden magnet...thanks @Kalum for the Idea 😉

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Added 10 of these little gems today, more to come next month.

Those are brevibora dorsiocellata, small, active , schoaling, and beautiful colors with bright blue eyes, really help to get good sense of scale in the 60p. 🙂



Added 10 of these little gems today, more to come next month.

Those are brevibora dorsiocellata, small, active , schoaling, and beautiful colors with bright blue eyes, really help to get good sense of scale in the 60p. 🙂

Looking good!

Be careful with these they love to jump. I’ve lost a few even with a cover, they still seem to find the gaps. Lovely fish though and their eyes glow.


Nice scape

Personally I only add bucephalandra when the tank is stabilized/cycled this way the chance of melt is much lower.

Regarding dry start, I only dry start with mosses and plant when I'm flooding the tank.

What happend with the wood and cig filters method? Did you only made 1 connection and only used glue sparingly?

Sent from my LYA-L29 using Tapatalk
Looking good!

Be careful with these they love to jump. I’ve lost a few even with a cover, they still seem to find the gaps. Lovely fish though and their eyes glow.



Well, thanks for the advice, would have loved to read this BEFORE buying them (have read a lot about them on seriously fish and youtube but no mention of jumping, well every little asian schooling fish seems to love that unfortunately);

So I already lost two, dried on my floor...one the first day, he was scared of the skimmer and jumped behind the tank, the another this week when we had visit and some 3 years old kid smashed on the glass...

They are very shy, I'm thinking of adding some dithers to help them getting confident, can't decide between microrasbora kubotai (very active but same color pattern as the brevibora) or hyphessobrycon amandae (those are shy too). We'll see.

Nice scape

Personally I only add bucephalandra when the tank is stabilized/cycled this way the chance of melt is much lower.

Regarding dry start, I only dry start with mosses and plant when I'm flooding the tank.

What happend with the wood and cig filters method? Did you only made 1 connection and only used glue sparingly?

Sent from my LYA-L29 using Tapatalk

Thanks Mate.

About buce, only the new one that was from in vitro pot had melted, but you're right, they are very sensitive to water parameters...

Thanks for the tip about dry start, I've no patience to try it yet, but one day I will, I promise. 🙂

The cig filters didn't work as expected because I haven't had enough room to put them properly between hardscape, would love to try it again but with stone hardscape this time and BEFORE putting all the hardscape in the tank. It seems that it works better when the 2 piece you want to attach are pressed against each other.

Anyway, scape is going OK, some green hair thread algae on the mosses, I'm trying a new all in one ferts from Denis Wond, seems promising.

Well, thanks for the advice, would have loved to read this BEFORE buying them (have read a lot about them on seriously fish and youtube but no mention of jumping, well every little asian schooling fish seems to love that unfortunately);

So I already lost two, dried on my floor...one the first day, he was scared of the skimmer and jumped behind the tank, the another this week when we had visit and some 3 years old kid smashed on the glass...

They are very shy, I'm thinking of adding some dithers to help them getting confident, can't decide between microrasbora kubotai (very active but same color pattern as the brevibora) or hyphessobrycon amandae (those are shy too). We'll see.


I have mine with lots of other small shoaling fish and they’re still a nervous wreck a lot of the time. Water changes they always panic and also can when you approach the glass. It’s pretty much a jungle with floating plants too so can’t do much more to make them comfortable. Started with ten and I’m now down to five with a mesh cover!

Only way to be certain would be to lower the water level but that distracts from the aesthetics of the setup.


I have mine with lots of other small shoaling fish and they’re still a nervous wreck a lot of the time. Water changes they always panic and also can when you approach the glass. It’s pretty much a jungle with floating plants too so can’t do much more to make them comfortable. Started with ten and I’m now down to five with a mesh cover!

Only way to be certain would be to lower the water level but that distracts from the aesthetics of the setup.



Well, sad news.

Maybe if I get 10 more they will be more confident?

I'm actually torn between buying more or just buying some kubotai instead:crazy:.

My water level is 2cm under the top of the tank, can't go any lower because of the lily. No more jump yet but I've to be very careful when approaching the tank because as you said, they totally panic when I do that too quickly. :facepalm:
Well, finally added a schoal of 15 hyphessobrycon amandae, it's going a lot better! Thé Breviboras are much happier and confident than before and they swim together...Hope that will be enough to avoid more jumpers 🙂
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Great picture.
The fish look great.
Hygrophilia Pinnatifida adds a lot of style to the tank. Do you plan on growing it also emerged?
Great picture.
The fish look great.
Hygrophilia Pinnatifida adds a lot of style to the tank. Do you plan on growing it also emerged?


About the emerged growth why not, but I've heard than once emerged, the plants prefer growing leaves out of water and immersed leaves Can deteriore.
brevibora dorsiocellata,
I bought several of these a while back (they were actually labelled as M nanus as that was what the shop had ordered and they continued to insist that was what the fish were 🙄 )
I lost a few initially due to external parasites (I never saw any white spots, just some white edges to fins (which seems to show up in Microdevario species as a secondary infection ... or ???) ) - after Hikari IchX (salt water, formalin only version) treatment they were fine

I later added them to a shoal of M kubotai (they seemed very pleased to pretend to be kubotai) - they didn’t seem particularly prone to jumping or startle reflex BUT very soft acidic water and deep tank (60 x 45 x 53 cm high)
I eventually passed them onto an acquaintance who had a shoal of B dorsiocellata
Thanks for sharing your experience mate, they're now doing better than ever, starting to eat properly and playing with the flow, I don't think they will jump now, one has just to avoid child in front of the tank.😀

Fascinated by the pinnitififa Roots attached to the Wood, it will need another trim soon.:pompus::greenfinger:
Hi there,

I'm actually thinking of getting the brevibora dorsiocellata back to the shop, didn't had more jumpers but I can't stand they shy behavior.

It will be a nightmare to get them in the net but I'll try anyway...

Thinking of some tanichtys micagemmae or kubotai to replace them.

45 days update ;

Hemianthus Micranthemoides needs second trim tomorrow.
H. Pinnitififa is an weed: needs weekly trimming to avoid invasion and gets nice small leaves.
Replaced Hottonia Palustris which was too tall by rotala colorata.

Still some green thread algae on my mosses but it's getting better, thinking of adding some amano shrimps to help.

Fishes are OK now. 🙂

Lovely. Growth seems to be good, comparing this shot with the one of last week.
What did you use for the shades on the Twinstar light?
Lovely. Growth seems to be good, comparing this shot with the one of last week.
What did you use for the shades on the Twinstar light?

Thanks, yes upped my CO2 and back to vimi ferts, growth is ok for now. 😉

For the Shade I use this kind.of aluminium profile for the floor (sorry no Idea of the english word for that);

Can sit in front of my tank without being disturbed by the led.

Really strong layout!
Love it 🙂

Thank you very much, glad you like it, yours looks very promising too...I'll have to upgrade to an 90cm tank one day too!🙄