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Just been reading through your latest pfk article and I have to tell you I really miss that scape. It was the first of yours that I followed the whole way through and has really inspired me to "up my game" if you will. Well done mate.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Also did you have to import your reg I have searched but dontvseem to be able to find it.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Also did you have to import your reg I have searched but dontvseem to be able to find it.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
I bought my Dennerle reg from Harrogate Aquatics about 10 years ago. I think the model (Classic-Line Professional) has been superseded now.
It took some time but i read this journal from page 1 till the end! 🙂

It is inspirational to see all the pics and the detailed information in it. For newbies like me, it was a masterclass and a good learning spot!

Thanks George for spending so many time explaining all the good and bad situations during this scape.

Regards from Portugal!
Just been reading through your latest pfk article and I have to tell you I really miss that scape. It was the first of yours that I followed the whole way through and has really inspired me to "up my game" if you will. Well done mate.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Thanks very much. I've yet to see the article in print but look forward to it.

I'll be re-scaping this current layout soon. I'm really tempted to keep the wood again. It's so easy to work with and I can get different look each time, especially if I change the rock type and substrate. Lots more plants this time - I need my gardening fix. 🙂

Here's a fishy shot. I love black neon tetras. One of my all-time favourites.

Hi all,

Some of you may have seen the final tank shot of "Rooted in Nature", entered in IAPLC 2013, ranked 766, and also featured in the latest issue of PFK.

I was hoping for a higher ranking if I'm honest, but this is the unpredictable beauty of the IAPLC and its subjectivity. I take comfort knowing how much I enjoyed this aquascape myself, and sharing its journey on here. 🙂

final shot.jpg

And here's the final shot of the next 'scape in the same tank...

moss scape 6D sample.jpg

New 'scape coming soon... 🙂

Ranking aside your scape was lovely and UK got a few entries this year, Mr St Worrall getting a very impressive 82nd. Big up the UK 🙂

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
There are many that wish they had your talent!

Almost everyone would like that!
His talent, knowledge and will to share...
Hi George,
i too was a little surprised that you didnt rank higher. The plant health, colour, density, photography, background are all top class and to aspire towards for many including myself. I think following the journal gives you a true sense of the quality of the aquascaping and your willingness to share has been second to none...the sheer numbers of replies and views is testament to this and this is more valuable than a ranking. Im sure many have been inspired by your step by step approach, and the details within the journey will help many to succeed in achieving their own slice of underwater paradise :thumbup:
Looking critically at the final image, i feel perhaps it may look too clinical, too precise maybe? The stem line maybe a touch too formal for this 'style' of tank and aquascaping. I know you were cutting it fine, but i still beleive that a few more days growth would have given the stems a little more presence and a more natural look....heck its easy to see the health and density, but the judgement will be based on the image alone at that point in time. I also feel that the stems rather than peaking in height at the very right hand corner, could maybe have been shaped to cut back down towards the right slightly with the highest point being just to the right of the highest piece of wood, this would have given a flow over the wood and hinted more at a natural periphery. Within your room and the space in the home, this shape works perfectly though, but that is something the judges wont take into consideration.
Although you removed the cyperus here, it kind of helps the scape as it flows back into the tank from the right, softening the end of the scape just a little...trimming the rotala in the final image to drop slightly back down towards the right hand side could have also given this effect whilst still maintaining the strong triangle configuration. (seems easy to critique other peoples tanks :sorry:)
It is very much like you say though....
but this is the unpredictable beauty of the IAPLC and its subjectivity.
....this is true of not just the IAPLC, but everyone who looks at your work, we all see something different and can have our own feelings about what we see and what we may change, really though....
I take comfort knowing how much I enjoyed this aquascape myself, and sharing its journey on here.
....thats what counts and i just look forward to sharing your knowledge and future aquascapes so one day i will be able to grow aquatic plants so flaming beautifully!!!

A truly inspiring journal :clap:

Cheers George, now that is 2 insane good shots from 2 beauty. And this is all about i guess. I would watch both of them gladly printed on my wall as a poster or calendar.

I would not like to criticize the contest as you said it very well

but this is the unpredictable beauty of the IAPLC and its subjectivity

i still look forward to the same quality stuff from you 🙂
Cheers George, now that is 2 insane good shots from 2 beauty. And this is all about i guess. I would watch both of them gladly printed on my wall as a poster or calendar.

I would not like to criticize the contest as you said it very well

i still look forward to the same quality stuff from you 🙂
Bless you, Viktor. 🙂
George you unlucky. It is a super healthy tank and so many comments show how good it really is.
I have a feeling though that the second photo is much much stronger as well. It gives completely different feeling to the eye. The angle is also different? Gives deeper feeling and the fact that red plants are less colourfull and tips of green stems lighter add to the effect of depth.
Submitting second to AGA maybe? 🙂
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