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  1. ghostsword

    Micro iwagumi

    The tank is only 20cm by 10cm by 10cm, moss and dragon stone. Micro Iwagumi 2012 - 003 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  2. ghostsword

    Emersed play

    Here is a tank that I have been playing for a while. It is a optiwhite 35cm cube. The plants are all emersed: - Hygrophila Corymbosa - Java Fern - Hydrocotyle Tripartita - Weeping moss Rocks are Seryiu and wood is driftwood. Misted daily, but not covered. Substrate is ADA amazonia. Emersed...
  3. ghostsword

    Sintra - Emersed Aquascape on the garden

    Old Juwel 120L repurposed and placed on the garden, to try an emersed aquascape. This was my first proper tank, and have had at two scapes on IAPLC. The tank was going good, until the jbl e1500 stopped working, a close inspection lead me to see that the impeler had broken. I ordered one...
  4. ghostsword

    Rocky meadow

    @ghostsword -- Rocky Meadow, aquascape on a 60cm optiwhite tank. http://youtu.be/rCcC_hbikWQ The details are: [AQUARIUM SIZE] W: 60 x D: 40 x H: 40 (cm) [WATER PLANTS] Anubias barteri var. nana 'Petite' ; Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Tropica' ; Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow' ; Sagittaria subulata ...
  5. ghostsword

    Floresta na Palma da mao. - Forest in the palm of your hand

    A micro emersed scape. Rocks are dragon rock. Plants are weeping moss, myriophyllum brasiliensis, and some HC at the back. The tank is 3 months old. The inspiration is from a great aquascaper called Diego Sandoval, who is in my opinion one of the best micro scapers there is. As I like...
  6. ghostsword

    Colinas verdes (Green hills)

    The tank is a 35cm cube, optiwhite. The light is a TMC Led 200, par 10 at substrate. Substrate is denerlle shrimp gravel. Plants are: - pelia - weeping moss - needle java fern - anubia nana - anubia petite - anubia minima Hardscape are garden rocks and manzanita. It has some guppy fry, 5...
  7. ghostsword

    Emersed aquascape - Jagunco do Monte

    Ok, Crazy idea, but it may work. Will be a fight to keep the algae at bay, but I am looking forward to the challenge. The weather is picking up, so it is time to move some scapes to the garden. :) The tank is an acrylic tray of 50cm, by 30cm by 15cm tall, so shallow. I have purchased some...
  8. ghostsword


    The tank is a optiwhite tank, 60x45x45. For substrate I have used akadama at the back, nothing in front yet, but will be clear sand. The rocks are seiryu rocks, will get some more for the sides. Wood is manzanita For filtration I am using a Eheim Classic 2017 and a hang on filter by aquaone...
  9. ghostsword

    Lisbon Sunrise Revisited

    I have replaced the rocks, some plants and added a large piece of manzanita. The tank was previously like this: IAPLC 2011 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Now it is like this: Lisbon Sunrise revisited by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Echinodorus Ocelot by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr Red by GHOSTSWORD, on...
  10. ghostsword

    Rocky outcrop - 600 ml iwagumi

    After seeing some amazing micro nanos on the forum I had a go myself. The container is an ikea acrylic container, white sand, four black pieces of granite and moss, with a manzanita stick. It has two red ramshorns. 600 ml nano iwagumi by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr 600 ml nano iwagumi by...
  11. ghostsword

    IAPLC 2011 - Lisbon Sunrise

    :) I reached postion 698. IAPLC 2011 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr .
  12. ghostsword

    Parado no tempo

    After having a high tech tank with stems and lots of colour I decided to change the plants to something easier to manage and slower. The list of plants are: - Java moss - Hygrophila sp. thailand - Hygrocotyle sp. Japan - Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides - Echinodorus parviflorus - Echinodorus...
  13. ghostsword

    Cabo Verde - Low tech with Heather bogwood

    I received a couple of weeks ago some amazing dead heather bogwood from Darrel. viewtopic.php?f=23&t=16292&p=168770#p168770 The wood is so amazing, perfect for nanos, and as I had a empty 8L acrylic tank I though that it would be perfect for it. So the specs of the tank are 8L, with a...
  14. ghostsword

    Ghost Town

    My young daughter decided that she wanted a tank. I was keeping this for emersed setup, but she got the better of me. So it has two frogs, and three guppies. A 15L optiwhite.: - Hydrocotyle sp. Japan - Bacopa Carolina emersed - Java moss - Java ferns - Akadama substrate - Manzanita wood -...
  15. ghostsword

    Cai o Carmo e trindade

    My dutchungle. :) DSC_2103 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr DSC_2101 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr DSC_2128 by GHOSTSWORD, on Flickr
  16. ghostsword

    Sao Miguel

    This is my latest nano, named Sao Miguel. São Miguel Island is nicknamed "The Green Island", is the largest and most populous island in the Portuguese Azores archipelago. The tank is a 20cm cube, and it has Java Fern, Hygrophila Polyspherma, Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides, Java Moss and Cabomba...
  17. ghostsword

    Tranbuco Verdejante

    Small nano tank, Betta Acrylic. The tank has only 8 liters of water, using a TMC CO2 disposable bottle and a 11W Arcadia light, on for 5 hours a day. It is dosed daily with EI ferts and has a 50% water change every second day. No fish or shrimp, only tadpole snails.
  18. ghostsword

    Perna torta - Shallow tank and manzanita

    I have a shallow acrylic tray that I am thinking setting up this summer, with pond plants, no fish, maybe some pond snails. :) During winter I will put it back inside and use it as moss and anubias emersed play area, then with some shrimp. See for the hardscape.
  19. ghostsword

    Floresta Amazônica

    Hi, my tank has been now fully scaped and it is now ready to grow. The specs are: - Rekord 120 - 4 x 39W t5's running for 8 hours a day, the lights are 60cm above the tank - 20W of leds, that run from 12 hours - 3bps of CO2, using an Atomic Atomiser and needle valve, connected to a Dupla...
  20. ghostsword

    River Slope

    The tank progress: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Leds only #6 Full light
  21. ghostsword

    Deserted island journal

    I have seen a photo online by a designer called Frederico Felix (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs37/f/2008/ ... oFelix.png) I am trying to replicate the pic on a tank, so I have requested a quotation for this: A London acrylic tank builder should get back to me with a price, and I will use a...
  22. ghostsword

    Java fern on tank

    Following the tips and advice of many users here, such as George and Ceg, amongst many others, my Java Fern is finally looking good with very bright leaves. On top left of tank, under floating island: Some leafs still old looking, but soon it will be pruned: On centre, under floating...
  23. ghostsword

    Juwel Rekord 120 tank

    Hi, I have started the rescape of my tank, took all plants out and started again, leaving only the Java Fern and Anubias. There are also two plants left emmersed, Staurogyne and Hydrocolyte. Staurogyne is adapting to emmersed form, some leaves are drying, while new ones apearing. Hydro is...